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JavaScript preprocessors can help make authoring JavaScript easier and more convenient.
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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import
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Using packages here is powered by, which makes packages from npm not only available on a CDN, but prepares them for native JavaScript ESM usage.
All packages are different, so refer to their docs for how they work.
If you're using React / ReactDOM, make sure to turn on Babel for the JSX processing.
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<span class="rating">7.9/10</span>
<div class="movieTitle">
<p>Marvel Studios</p>
<div class="movieDescription">
<a href="#" class="moreInfoBtn"><p>A billionaire industrialist and genius inventor, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), is conducting weapons tests overseas, but terrorists kidnap him to force him to build a devastating weapon. Instead, he builds an armored suit and upends his captors. Returning to America, Stark refines the suit and uses it to combat crime and terrorism.</p><p>A billionaire industrialist and genius inventor, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), is conducting weapons tests overseas, but terrorists kidnap him to force him to build a devastating weapon. Instead, he builds an armored suit and upends his captors. Returning to America, Stark refines the suit and uses it to combat crime and terrorism.</p><p>A billionaire industrialist and genius inventor, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), is conducting weapons tests overseas, but terrorists kidnap him to force him to build a devastating weapon. Instead, he builds an armored suit and upends his captors. Returning to America, Stark refines the suit and uses it to combat crime and terrorism.</p><p>A billionaire industrialist and genius inventor, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), is conducting weapons tests overseas, but terrorists kidnap him to force him to build a devastating weapon. Instead, he builds an armored suit and upends his captors. Returning to America, Stark refines the suit and uses it to combat crime and terrorism.</p><p>A billionaire industrialist and genius inventor, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), is conducting weapons tests overseas, but terrorists kidnap him to force him to build a devastating weapon. Instead, he builds an armored suit and upends his captors. Returning to America, Stark refines the suit and uses it to combat crime and terrorism.</p></a>
<div class="movieGenres">
<span class="genre">2008</span>
<span class="genre">SCI-FI</span>
<span class="genre">THRILLER</span>
<span class="movieLength">2h 06m</span>
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<p>I Found <a href="" target="_blank">this design on Dribble</a> a the description said 'Killing boredom', so I thought I would do the same by bringing his design to life.</p>
<p>Designed By</p>
<h3>Alex Salmerón</h3>
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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="//" alt="Designer's Dribble"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 410.155 410.155"><path d="M403.632 74.18c-9.113 4.04-18.573 7.23-28.28 9.537 10.696-10.164 18.738-22.877 23.275-37.067 1.295-4.05-3.105-7.554-6.763-5.385-13.504 8.01-28.05 14.02-43.235 17.862-.882.223-1.79.336-2.703.336-2.766 0-5.455-1.027-7.57-2.89C322.2 42.332 301.422 34.49 279.85 34.49c-9.336 0-18.76 1.456-28.015 4.326C223.163 47.71 201.04 71.36 194.1 100.54c-2.605 10.945-3.31 21.9-2.098 32.56.14 1.225-.44 2.08-.797 2.48-.627.704-1.516 1.107-2.44 1.107-.102 0-.208-.005-.313-.015-62.762-5.83-119.358-36.068-159.363-85.14-2.04-2.503-5.953-2.196-7.58.593C13.678 65.565 9.538 80.937 9.538 96.58c0 23.97 9.63 46.562 26.36 63.03-7.035-1.667-13.844-4.294-20.17-7.807-3.06-1.7-6.824.485-6.867 3.985-.438 35.612 20.412 67.3 51.646 81.57-.63.014-1.258.02-1.888.02-4.95 0-9.964-.477-14.898-1.42-3.446-.658-6.34 2.61-5.27 5.952 10.137 31.65 37.39 54.98 70 60.278-27.065 18.17-58.584 27.753-91.39 27.753l-10.226-.005c-3.15 0-5.816 2.054-6.62 5.106-.79 3.007.667 6.178 3.354 7.74 36.966 21.514 79.13 32.884 121.955 32.884 37.485 0 72.55-7.44 104.22-22.11 29.032-13.448 54.688-32.673 76.254-57.14 20.09-22.792 35.8-49.103 46.692-78.2 10.382-27.738 15.87-57.334 15.87-85.59v-1.346c0-4.537 2.05-8.806 5.63-11.712 13.586-11.03 25.416-24.014 35.16-38.59 2.574-3.85-1.484-8.674-5.718-6.796z" fill="#FFF"/></svg></a>
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function isNumeric(val) {
if(val >= 48 && val <= 57){
return true;
return false;
var backButtonAction = 'none';
function hideMoreText(){
$(".checkoutButton").html("PURCHASE £2.99");
backButtonAction = 'none';
function hideVideo(bool){
if(bool === undefined){
bool = false;
$(".videoPlayer iframe").attr("src","");
backButtonAction = 'none';
function hideCheckout(){
$(".checkoutButton").html("PURCHASE £2.99");
backButtonAction = 'none';
$(".checkoutButton").html("READ LESS");
backButtonAction = 'moreText';
if(backButtonAction == "moreText"){
} else if(backButtonAction == "checkout"){
} else {
$(".checkoutButton").html("PAY NOW £2.99");
backButtonAction = 'checkout';
var video = $(this).data("video");
$(".videoPlayer iframe").attr("src",video);
backButtonAction = 'video';
var sanitizedCardValue = "";
var cardNumCount = 0;
var thiis = $(this);
if(e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46){
if(thiis.val() != ""){
var length;
if(cardNumCount == 0){
length = sanitizedCardValue.length - 2;
cardNumCount = 4;
} else {
length = sanitizedCardValue.length - 1;
sanitizedCardValue = sanitizedCardValue.substr(0,length);
} else {
sanitizedCardValue = "";
cardNumCount = 0;
} else if(isNumeric(e.keyCode) && sanitizedCardValue.length <= 18){
var char = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);
if(cardNumCount >= 4){
sanitizedCardValue += " "+char;
cardNumCount = 0;
sanitizedCardValue += char;
} else {
var sanitizedDateValue = "";
var dateNumCount = 0;
var bool = false;
var thiis = $(this);
if(e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46){
if(thiis.val() != ""){
var length;
if(dateNumCount == 0){
length = sanitizedDateValue.length - 2;
dateNumCount = 2;
bool = false;
} else {
length = sanitizedDateValue.length - 1;
sanitizedDateValue = sanitizedDateValue.substr(0,length);
} else {
sanitizedDateValue = "";
dateNumCount = 0;
} else if(isNumeric(e.keyCode) && sanitizedDateValue.length < 5){
var char = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);
if(dateNumCount == 1){
bool = true;
dateNumCount = 0;
sanitizedDateValue += char+"/";
} else {
sanitizedDateValue += char;
sanitizedDateValue += char;
} else {
var sanitizedCvvValue = "";
var CVVNumCount = 0;
var thiis = $(this);
if(e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46){
if(thiis.val() != ""){
var length = sanitizedCvvValue.length - 1;
sanitizedCvvValue = sanitizedCvvValue.substr(0,length);
} else {
sanitizedCvvValue = "";
cardNumCount = 0;
} else if(isNumeric(e.keyCode) && sanitizedCvvValue.length <= 2){
var char = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);
sanitizedCvvValue += char;
} else {
if(backButtonAction == "moreText"){
} else if(backButtonAction == "video"){
} else if(backButtonAction == "checkout"){
return false;
Also see: Tab Triggers