<script src="https://api.catenda.com/js/v1/viewer2d"></script>
<div id="splash">
<div id="title">
<div id="title-text">
<div id="play">
<button id="play-button" disabled=true onclick="start()">
<i id="play-icon" class="fa fa-play"></i>
<div id="error">
The example is unavailable<br>
Please try again later
<div id="logo">
<image id="logo-image" src="https://archbee-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/v9iuLCcKE2amnKqiFVllF/qCmgrBQdRA0cjxeSZ0Rvn_logo-api-light.png" />
<div id="gui"></div>
<div id="scene">
<div id="viewer-container">
<div id="viewer-2d"></div>
<div id="console">
<div id="console-header">
<div id="console-header-text">Output</div>
<button id="console-copy" onclick="copyConsole()">
<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M11 12H1C0.447 12 0 11.553 0 11V1C0 0.448 0.447 0 1 0H11C11.553 0 12 0.448 12 1V11C12 11.553 11.553 12 11 12Z" fill="currentColor" />
<path d="M15 16H4V14H14V4H16V15C16 15.553 15.553 16 15 16Z" fill="currentColor" />
<span id="tooltip">Copy</span>
<div id="console-text"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
bimsync.setOnViewer2dLoadCallback(function() {
document.getElementById("play-button").disabled = false
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display: none;
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font-weight: 600;
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position: absolute;
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--title-text-color: #ade0bc;
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--width: 200px;
// Global variables to ease access
let viewer2d = null;
let gui = null;
const modelId = "my-model-id";
// Enum of ids for HTML elements referenced in this file
const ElementId = {
CONSOLE_COPY: "console-copy",
CONSOLE_TEXT: "console-text",
ERROR: "error",
GUI: "gui",
LOADING_ICON: "loading-icon",
PLAY_BUTTON: "play-button",
PLAY_ICON: "play-icon",
SPLASH: "splash",
TOOLTIP: "tooltip",
VIEWER_2D: "viewer-2d"
// Enum of style values used in this file
const Style = {
FLEX: "flex",
NONE: "none"
// Reset tooltip text
const consoleCopy = document.getElementById(ElementId.CONSOLE_COPY);
const onCopyLeave = function () {
document.getElementById(ElementId.TOOLTIP).innerHTML = "Copy";
consoleCopy.addEventListener("mouseleave", onCopyLeave);
consoleCopy.addEventListener("touchend", onCopyLeave);
* Catenda 2D viewer View Example.
* The runExample function contains the 2D viewer related calls to fulfill the example shown.
// The code specific to the example
const runExample = function () {
// gui labels
const LOOK_AT_SELECTED = "Look at Selected Objects";
const LOOK_AT_BOUNDING_BOX = "Look at Predefined Bounding Box";
const MOVE_TO_X = "Move To X";
const MOVE_TO_Y = "Move To Y";
const RESET_VIEWPORT = "Reset Viewport";
const ROTATION = "Rotation";
* Start off by showing a storey
const storeys = viewer2d.getStoreys();
if (storeys.length > 0) {
viewer2d.setViewport("fit", { expandInPercentage: 15 });
* Map on screen buttons to viewer behaviour
const onLookAtSelectedClick = function () {
const selectedObjectIds = viewer2d.getSelected();
const onLookAtBoundingBoxClick = function () {
const boundingBox = {
min: { x: -56, y: 46 },
max: { x: -38, y: 56 }
const onMoveToXChange = function (value) {
viewer2d.moveTo(value, state[MOVE_TO_Y]);
const onMoveToYChange = function (value) {
viewer2d.moveTo(state[MOVE_TO_X], value);
const onResetViewportClick = function () {
viewer2d.setViewport("fit", { expandInPercentage: 15 });
const onRotationChange = function (value) {
* Map of gui items to data and callbacks
const state = {
[LOOK_AT_SELECTED]: onLookAtSelectedClick,
[LOOK_AT_BOUNDING_BOX]: onLookAtBoundingBoxClick,
[MOVE_TO_X]: 25,
[MOVE_TO_Y]: 20,
[RESET_VIEWPORT]: onResetViewportClick
* Build gui panel
gui.add(state, LOOK_AT_SELECTED).disable();
gui.add(state, LOOK_AT_BOUNDING_BOX);
gui.add(state, MOVE_TO_X, -100, 50, 1).onChange(onMoveToXChange);
gui.add(state, MOVE_TO_Y, -100, 100, 1).onChange(onMoveToYChange);
gui.add(state, ROTATION, 0, 360, 1).onChange(onRotationChange);
gui.add(state, RESET_VIEWPORT);
* Listen to viewer events
const onSelect = function (event) {
const { selected } = event;
if (selected.length > 0) {
} else {
viewer2d.addEventListener("viewer2d.select", onSelect);
* Code required for bootstrapping a 2D viewer instance with which to execute the example
// Bootstrap a 2D viewer instance and load a model
const initialize = async function (onViewerReady) {
// Show the loading indicator until the 2D viewer is ready
// Hide any previous error message
// Create a gui instance for 2D viewer controls
gui = new lil.GUI({
container: document.getElementById("gui")
// HTML Div element where the 2D viewer is mounted
const div2d = document.getElementById(ElementId.VIEWER_2D);
// Options used when creating a 2D viewer instance
const viewerOptions = {
hoverSpaces: true,
selectColor: "#ade0bc",
showViewpoint: false
// Create a 2D viewer instance
viewer2d = new bimsync.viewer2d.Viewer2D(div2d, viewerOptions);
// Options used when loading the model
const loadModelOptions = {
modelId: modelId,
modelName: "My Model Name"
// Fetch a 2D viewer token for the model to load
const url2d = await getToken();
// Load the model
.loadUrl(url2d, loadModelOptions)
.then(function () {
// 2D viewer is ready, stop loading
// Hide the splash screen
// Show the 2D viewer controls
// 2D viewer is ready, run the callback
.catch(function (error) {
// Entry point called when user clicks the play button
const start = function () {
// Bootstrap a 2D viewer instance then run the example
* Utility functions used in this file
// Set console text in clipboard
const copyConsole = async function () {
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(
document.getElementById(ElementId.TOOLTIP).innerHTML = "Copied!";
// Disable a property in the gui panel
const disableGuiProperty = function (propertyName) {
.find(({ property }) => property === propertyName)
// Enable a property in the gui panel
const enableGuiProperty = function (propertyName) {
.find(({ property }) => property === propertyName)
// Retrieve a 2D viewer token
const getToken = async function () {
* Fetch a 2D viewer token from the Catenda API
* Here we are using a CodePen specific endpoint for demo purposes
* Replace this with your own token endpoint in a real application
* Find out more at https://developers.catenda.com/viewer-2d/create-2d-viewer-token
* The model this token provides access to is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
* (C) original authors
* https://github.com/buildingSMART/Sample-Test-Files
* More info and a link to the full license text is available on http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
const delay = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const tryCount = 4;
let response, result;
// Try to fetch the token a few times before giving up
for (let i = 1; i <= tryCount; i++) {
response = await fetch(
if (response.ok) {
} else {
// If the response is not ok, we wait a bit before trying again
if (i < tryCount) {
await delay(i * 1000);
// If the response is ok, we can proceed
if (response && response.ok) {
const data = await response.json();
result = data.url;
} else {
return result;
// Hide an HTML element passing its id
const hideElement = function (elementId) {
document.getElementById(elementId).style.display = Style.NONE;
// Set the text displayed in the output panel
const setOutput = function (value) {
const text = value instanceof Object ? JSON.stringify(value) : value;
document.getElementById(ElementId.CONSOLE_TEXT).innerHTML = text;
// Show an HTML element passing its id
const showElement = function (elementId) {
document.getElementById(elementId).style.display = Style.FLEX;
// Reset after an error
const showError = function () {
// Display the loading indicator
const showLoadingIndicator = function () {
const playButton = document.getElementById(ElementId.PLAY_BUTTON);
playButton.disabled = true;
const playIconElement = document.getElementById(ElementId.PLAY_ICON);
let loadingIcon = document.createElement("i");
loadingIcon.id = ElementId.LOADING_ICON;
loadingIcon.classList.add("fa", "fa-spinner", "fa-spin");
// Display the play button
const showPlayButton = function () {
const playButton = document.getElementById(ElementId.PLAY_BUTTON);
playButton.disabled = false;
const loadingIconElement = document.getElementById(ElementId.LOADING_ICON);
let playIcon = document.createElement("i");
playIcon.id = ElementId.PLAY_ICON;
playIcon.classList.add("fa", "fa-play");
// Update a value used in the gui panel to reflect a change
const updateGuiPropertyValue = function (propertyName, value) {
.find(({ property }) => property === propertyName)