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                <div class="trophy-container">

<svg id="svgTrophyAnimation" xmlns="" version="1.1" xmlns:xlink="" preserveAspectRatio="true" x="0px" y="0px" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 550 400">

<g id="Layer25_0_FILL">

<path id="vectorShadow" fill="#000000" stroke="none" d="
M 203.6 348.1
Q 203.6 351 223.65 353.05 243.7 355.1 272.1 355.1 300.5 355.1 320.55 353.05 340.6 351 340.6 348.1 340.6 345.2 320.55 343.15 300.5 341.1 272.1 341.1 243.7 341.1 223.65 343.15 203.6 345.2 203.6 348.1 Z"/>
#FEE448 -->
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M 271.6 17.7
L 223.4 135.4 272.85 137.1 271.6 17.7 Z"/>

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L 318.9 137.1 271.6 17.7 272.85 137.1 Z"/>

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M 246.65 181.45
L 272.45 181.45 272.85 137.1 223.4 135.4 246.65 181.45 Z"/>

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L 272.85 137.1 272.45 181.45 294 181.25 318.9 137.1 Z"/>

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<path fill="#8F2418" stroke="none" d="
M 278.5 136.3
Q 278.5 133.45 276.45 131.35 274.45 129.35 271.55 129.35 268.7 129.35 266.65 131.35 264.6 133.45 264.6 136.3 264.6 139.15 266.65 141.2 268.7 143.25 271.55 143.25 274.45 143.25 276.45 141.2 278.5 139.15 278.5 136.3 Z"/>

<g id="Layer14_0_FILL">
<path fill="#FEE447" stroke="none" d="
M 284.45 180.7
L 241.85 180.7 241.85 203.75 284.45 203.75 284.45 180.7 Z"/>

<g id="Layer13_0_FILL">
<path fill="#FEC400" stroke="none" d="
M 299.8 180.7
L 284.45 180.7 284.45 203.75 299.8 203.75 299.8 180.7 Z"/>

<g id="Layer10_0_FILL">
<path fill="#f6b100" stroke="none" d="
M 307 245.55
L 307 204.85 237.35 204.85 237.35 245.55 307 245.55 Z"/>

<g id="Layer9_0_FILL">
<path fill="#FEE447" stroke="none" d="
M 307 247.05
L 307 202.9 237.35 202.9 237.35 247.05 307 247.05 Z"/>

<g id="Layer8_0_FILL">
<path fill="#C39359" stroke="none" d="
M 273.95 236.7
L 282.35 216.55 277.8 216.55 272.4 229.85 267 216.55 262.5 216.55 270.5 236.7 273.95 236.7 Z"/>

<path id="red-ball" fill="#EB3B3A" stroke="none" d="
M 209.1 145.5
Q 211 147.35 213.7 147.35 216.3 147.35 218.2 145.5 220.05 143.65 220.05 140.95 220.05 138.3 218.2 136.45 216.3 134.55 213.7 134.55 211 134.55 209.1 136.45 207.3 138.3 207.3 140.95 207.3 143.65 209.1 145.5 Z"/>

<path id="blue-ball" fill="#6633CC" stroke="none" d="
M 247.9 222.6
Q 246.15 222.6 244.9 223.8 243.65 225.05 243.65 226.8 243.65 228.55 244.9 229.8 246.15 231 247.9 231 249.65 231 250.85 229.8 252.1 228.55 252.1 226.8 252.1 225.05 250.85 223.8 249.65 222.6 247.9 222.6 Z"/>

<g id="Layer3_0_FILL">
<path id="yellow-ball" fill="#FED13C" stroke="none" d="
M 173.25 197.65
Q 173.25 195.55 171.75 194.05 170.25 192.55 168.15 192.55 166 192.55 164.5 194.05 163 195.55 163 197.65 163 199.8 164.5 201.3 166 202.8 168.15 202.8 170.25 202.8 171.75 201.3 173.25 199.8 173.25 197.65 Z"/>

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M 223.4 135.4
L 246.65 181.45 294 181.25 318.9 137.1 271.6 17.7 223.4 135.4 Z"/>

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M 271.6 29.45
L 247.6 127.75"/>

<path id="Layer17_0_1_STROKES" stroke="#8F2418" stroke-width="5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" fill="none" d="
M 278.5 136.3
Q 278.5 139.15 276.45 141.2 274.45 143.25 271.55 143.25 268.7 143.25 266.65 141.2 264.6 139.15 264.6 136.3 264.6 133.45 266.65 131.35 268.7 129.35 271.55 129.35 274.45 129.35 276.45 131.35 278.5 133.45 278.5 136.3 Z"/>

<path id="Layer16_0_1_STROKES" stroke="#8F2418" stroke-width="5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" fill="none" d="
M 271.6 135.1
L 271.6 17.7"/>

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M 241.85 180.7
L 299.8 180.7 299.8 203.75 241.85 203.75 241.85 180.7 Z"/>

<path id="Layer10_0_1_STROKES" stroke="#8F2418" stroke-width="5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" fill="none" d="
M 237.35 204.85
L 307 204.85 307 245.55 237.35 245.55 237.35 204.85 Z"/>

<path id="Layer9_0_1_STROKES" stroke="#8F2418" stroke-width="5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" fill="none" d="
M 237.35 202.9
L 307 202.9 307 247.05 237.35 247.05 237.35 202.9 Z"/>

<path id="wizzy" stroke="#fec400" stroke-width="3.5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" fill="none" d="
M 282.85 129.6
Q 333.808203125 153.475390625 339.675 160.2 345.5419921875 166.9302734375 344.525 172.95 343.5044921875 178.9619140625 326.05 185.35 323.81640625 185.8197265625 321.55 186.275 303.973046875 189.7763671875 284.45 192.2 270.001171875 194.1857421875 246.475 189.15 222.948046875 184.111328125 211.3 178.65 197.1 172.05 205.7 161.95 234.2 131.3 288.95 121.2 318.25 115.95 339.8 101.65 342.7 99.75 339.95 96.6 327.9 82.9998046875 295.95 73.65 264 64.3005859375 235.25 71.975 206.5 79.6494140625 210.65 87.3 214.8 94.9501953125 224.7 101.25 232.25 105.95 240.35 109.8 255.15 116.95 271.2 119.75"/>

<g id="shadowGroup" transform="matrix( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,0) ">
	<use xlink:href="#Layer25_0_FILL"/>

<g id="back-red-ball">
	<use xlink:href="#red-ball"/>

<g id="back-yellow-ball">
	<use xlink:href="#yellow-ball"/>

<g id="back-blue-ball">
	<use xlink:href="#blue-ball"/>

<g id="back-whizzy">
	<use xlink:href="#wizzy"/>
<g id="vectorGroup" transform="matrix( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,0) ">
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	<use xlink:href="#Layer23_0_FILL"/>
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		<use xlink:href="#Layer10_0_1_STROKES"/>

	<g id="vHolder">
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		<use xlink:href="#Layer9_0_1_STROKES"/>
		<use xlink:href="#Layer8_0_FILL"/>
	<g id="vectorInkTop">
		<use xlink:href="#Layer16_0_1_STROKES"/>

	<g id="inkBall">
		<use xlink:href="#Layer17_0_FILL"/>
		<use xlink:href="#Layer17_0_1_STROKES"/>

<g id="front-red-ball">
	<use xlink:href="#red-ball"/>

<g id="front-yellow-ball">
	<use xlink:href="#yellow-ball"/>

<g id="front-blue-ball">
	<use xlink:href="#blue-ball"/>

<g id="front-whizzy">
	<use xlink:href="#wizzy"/>


body {
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;
.trophy-container {
	position: relative;
	width: 100%;
	height: 99vh;
	margin: auto;
#wizzy {
	@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
		display: none;



	"use strict"
	// Vector Trophy Animation
	var vectorTrophy = {
		// Trophy Timeline Animation
		trophyTimeline:function() {
			// vector elements
			var vectorTipLeft = document.getElementById('Layer24_0_FILL'),
				vectorTipright = document.getElementById('Layer23_0_FILL'),
				vectorTipBottomRight = document.getElementById('Layer22_0_FILL'),
				vectorTipBottomLeft = document.getElementById('Layer21_0_FILL'),
				vectorshine = document.getElementById('Layer18_0_1_STROKES'),
				inkTopGroup = document.getElementById('vectorInkTop'),
				inkTopBall = document.getElementById('inkBall'),
				middleShade = document.getElementById('Layer13_0_FILL'),
				vHolder = document.getElementById('vHolder'),
				vHolderBack = document.getElementById('vHolderBack'),
				vectorShade = document.getElementById('vectorShadow'),
				middleShade = document.getElementById('Layer13_0_FILL'),
				vectorDuration = 1.4;
				// top-left Diagonal timeline
				var VectorTimeLineOne = new TimelineMax({yoyo: true, repeat: -1});
				VectorTimeLineOne.fromTo(vectorTipLeft, vectorDuration, {transformOrigin: "80% 0%", scaleX: 0.7, skewX: -9, x: 4, y: 2, ease:Power0.easeOut}, {transformOrigin: "80% 10%", scaleX: 1.3, skewX: 9, x: 0, y: 2, ease:Power0.easeOut })

				// top-right Diagonal timeline
				var VectorTimeLineTwo = new TimelineMax({yoyo: true, repeat: -1});
				VectorTimeLineTwo.fromTo(vectorTipright, vectorDuration, {transformOrigin: "0% 0%", scaleX: 1.3, skewX: -9, x: 2, y: 2, ease:Power0.easeOut }, {transformOrigin: "0% 0%", scaleX: 0.7, skewX: 9, x: -2, y: 2, ease:Power0.easeOut })

				// bottom-left Diagonal timeline
				var VectorTimeLineThree = new TimelineMax({yoyo: true, repeat: -1});
				VectorTimeLineThree.fromTo(vectorTipBottomRight, vectorDuration, {transformOrigin: "0% 0%", scaleX: 0.7, skewX: 9, x: -2, y: 0, ease:Power0.easeOut }, {transformOrigin: "0% 0%", scaleX: 1.3, skewX: -9, x: 2, y: 0, ease:Power0.easeOut })

				// bottom-right Diagonal timeline
				var VectorTimeLineFour = new TimelineMax({yoyo: true, repeat: -1});
				VectorTimeLineFour.fromTo(vectorTipBottomLeft, vectorDuration, {transformOrigin: "80% 10%", scaleX: 1.4, skewX: 9, x: -3, y: 0, ease:Power0.easeOut }, {transformOrigin: "80% 0%", scaleX: 0.7, skewX: -9, x: 1, y: 0, ease:Power0.easeOut })

				// Vector Shine timeline
				var VectorShineLine = new TimelineMax({yoyo: true, repeat: -1});
				VectorShineLine.fromTo(vectorshine, vectorDuration, { x: -2, y: 0, skewX: -3, ease:Power0.easeOut }, { x: 2, y: 0, skewX: 3, ease:Power0.easeOut })

				// Vector ink line timeline 
				var VectorTimeLineInkTop = new TimelineMax({yoyo: true, repeat: -1});
				VectorTimeLineInkTop.fromTo(inkTopGroup, vectorDuration, {transformOrigin: "80% 0%", skewX: -6, x: -2, y: 6, ease:Power0.easeOut }, {transformOrigin: "80% 0%", skewX: 6, x: 2, y: 6, ease:Power0.easeOut });

				// Vector ink ball timeline 
				var VectorTimeLineInkTopBall = new TimelineMax({yoyo: true, repeat: -1});
				VectorTimeLineInkTopBall.fromTo(inkTopBall, vectorDuration, {transformOrigin: "80% 0%", x: -14, ease:Power0.easeOut }, {transformOrigin: "80% 0%", x: 14, ease:Power0.easeOut });

				var middleShadeTimeLine = new TimelineMax({yoyo: true, repeat: -1});
				middleShadeTimeLine.fromTo(middleShade, vectorDuration, {transformOrigin: "80% 0%", scaleX: 2.5, skewX: 0, x: -3, y: 0, ease:Power0.easeOut }, {transformOrigin: "80% 0%", scaleX: 1, skewX: 0, x: -2, y: 0, ease:Power0.easeOut });

				var vHolderTimeLineOne = new TimelineMax({yoyo: true, repeat: -1});
				vHolderTimeLineOne.fromTo(vHolder, vectorDuration, {transformOrigin: "80% 0%", x: -5, ease:Power0.easeOut}, {transformOrigin: "80% 10%", x: 5, ease:Power0.easeOut })

				var vHolderBackTimeLine = new TimelineMax({yoyo: true, repeat: -1});
				vHolderBackTimeLine.fromTo(vHolderBack, vectorDuration, {transformOrigin: "-40% 0%", scaleY:1.05, x: 7, y: -1, ease:Power0.easeOut}, {transformOrigin: "-40% 0%", scaleY:1.05, x: -7, y: -1, ease:Power0.easeOut })

				var vectorBaseTimeLine = new TimelineMax({yoyo: true, repeat: -1});
				vectorBaseTimeLine.fromTo(vectorGroup, 0.7, {y: 12, ease:Power0.easeOut}, {y: -6, ease:Power0.easeOut});

				var vectorShadow = new TimelineMax({yoyo: true, repeat: -1});
				vectorShadow.fromTo(vectorShade, 0.7, {transformOrigin: "10% 0%", scale:1.1, opacity: 0.2, ease:Power0.easeOut}, {transformOrigin: "40% 0%", scale: 1, opacity: 0.2, ease:Power0.easeOut});
		// Wizzy Timeline Animation
		wizzyTimeline:function() {
			// wizzy elements
			var wizzy = document.getElementById('wizzy'),
			backWhizzy = document.getElementById('back-whizzy'),
			frontWhizzy = document.getElementById('front-whizzy');
			var WhizzLight = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1});
			function WizzyGroupToBack() { = "rotateX(45deg)"; = "none"; = "block";
			function WizzyGroupToFront() { = "rotateX(45deg)"; = "block"; = "none";
			TweenMax.set(wizzy, {drawSVG:"0% 0%", opacity: 1, transformOrigin: "70%, 10%", scale: 1.3 });, 0.01, {drawSVG:"0% 0%", onStart: WizzyGroupToBack, ease:Power0.easeOut});, 0.21, {drawSVG:"15% 10%", onComplete: WizzyGroupToBack , ease:Power0.easeOut});, 0.21, {drawSVG:"30% 20%", onStart: WizzyGroupToFront, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 0.21, {drawSVG:"40% 30%", onComplete: WizzyGroupToBack, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 0.21, {drawSVG:"50% 60%", onComplete: WizzyGroupToBack, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 0.21, {drawSVG:"60% 70%", onComplete: WizzyGroupToBack, ease:Power0.easeOut});, 0.21, {drawSVG:"70% 80%", onStart: WizzyGroupToFront, ease:Power0.easeOut});, 0.21, {drawSVG:"80% 90%", onStart: WizzyGroupToFront, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 0.21, {drawSVG:"90% 95%", onComplete: WizzyGroupToBack, ease:Power0.easeOut});, 0.11, {drawSVG:"100% 110%", onComplete: WizzyGroupToBack, ease:Power0.easeOut});
		// Red Orb Timeline Animation
		redOrbTimeline:function() {
			var redBall = document.getElementById('red-ball');
			var frontRed = document.getElementById('front-red-ball');
			var backRed = document.getElementById('back-red-ball');
			function toFrontRed() { = "block"; = "none";
			function toBackRed() { = "none"; = "block";
			TweenMax.set(redBall,{scale: 1.1});
			var redBallTimeline = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1});, 1, {scale: 1.1, x: 180, onStart: toFrontRed, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 0.7, {scale: 0.9, x: 80, onStart: toBackRed, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 1, {scale: 0.9, x: -60, onStart: toBackRed, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 0.5, {scale: 1.1, x: 0, onStart: toFrontRed, ease:Power0.easeOut});		
		// Yellow Orb Timeline Animation
		yellowOrbTimeline:function() {
			var frontYellow = document.getElementById('front-yellow-ball');
			var backYellow = document.getElementById('back-yellow-ball');	
			var yellowBall = document.getElementById('yellow-ball');
			function toFrontYellow() { = "block"; = "none";
			function toBackYellow() { = "none"; = "block";
			TweenMax.set(yellowBall, {scale: 1.1, opacity: 0});
			var yellowBallTimeline = new TimelineMax({delay: 1, repeat: -1, onStart: function(){
				TweenMax.set(yellowBall, {scale: 1.1, opacity: 1});
			}});, 1, {opacity:1, scale: 1, x: 230, onStart: toFrontYellow, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 0.7, {opacity:1 ,scale: 0.7, x: 80, onStart: toBackYellow, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 1, {opacity:1, scale: 0.7, x: -20, onStart: toBackYellow, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 0.5, {opacity:1, scale: 1, x: 0, onStart: toFrontYellow, ease:Power0.easeOut});
		// Blue Orb Timeline Animation
		blueOrbTimeline:function() {
			var frontBlue = document.getElementById('front-blue-ball'),
			backBlue = document.getElementById('back-blue-ball'),
			blueBall = document.getElementById('blue-ball');
			function toFrontBlue() { = "block"; = "none";
			function toBackBlue() { = "none"; = "block";
			TweenMax.set(blueBall, {scale: 1.1, opacity: 0});
			var blueBallTimeline = new TimelineMax({delay: 2, repeat: -1, onStart: function(){
				TweenMax.set(blueBall, {scale: 1.1, opacity: 1});
			}});, 1, {opacity:1, scale: 1, x: 140, onStart: toFrontBlue, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 0.7, {opacity:1 ,scale: 0.7, x: 80, onStart: toFrontBlue, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 1, {opacity:1, scale: 0.7, x: -100, onStart: toBackBlue, ease:Power0.easeOut });, 0.5, {opacity:1, scale: 1, x: 0, onStart: toFrontBlue, ease:Power0.easeOut});			

