mixin paletteItemMix(firstColorMix, secondColorMix, thirdColorMix, fourthColorMix, firstHexColorMix, seconHexdColorMix, thirdHexColorMix, fourtHexhColorMix)
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each val in [`${firstColorMix}`, `${secondColorMix}`, `${thirdColorMix}`, `${fourthColorMix}`]
each val in [`${firstColorMix}`, `${secondColorMix}`, `${thirdColorMix}`, `${fourthColorMix}`]
each val in [`${firstHexColorMix}`, `${seconHexdColorMix}`, `${thirdHexColorMix}`, `${fourtHexhColorMix}`]
p.paletteItem__colorName ##{val}
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//--- Social links
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## Developer Links
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View Compiled
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