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Babel includes JSX processing.

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Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


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If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

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If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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                <nav id="navbar">
  <ul id="navbar-list">
    <a id="branding" href="#splash">
      <img src="" alt="company logo">TVCrate
    <li class="navbar-link"><a href="#breakdown">How It Works</a></li>
    <li class="navbar-link"><a href="#testimonials">Testimonials</a></li>
    <li class="navbar-link"><a href="#pricing">Pricing</a></li>
  <button class="expand-menu" type="button">&#9776;</button>
<div class="slideshow">
  <div class="slide-container" id="better-way">
    <div class="slide-content">
      <p>Finding it hard to buy the products you see on TV?</p>
      <p>Do you wish you could find helpful household items on a regular basis?</p>
      <p>Having trouble trying to choose from over hundreds of products on the market?</p>
      <p><strong>There's got to be a better way!</strong></p>
  <div class="slide-container sticky-slide" id="splash">
    <div class="slide-content">
      <img class="splash-img" src="" alt="TVCrate example, box render thanks to">
      <div id="splash-text">
        <small id="intro">Introducing</small>
        <p>The fun, easy way to get convenient products every month, shipped straight to your door</p>
      <form id="form" method="POST" action="">
        <h2>Get Started</h2>
        <input id="email" name="email" type="email" placeholder="" required>
        <input class="btn" id="submit" type="submit" value="Send">
<section id="breakdown">
  <h1>How It Works</h1>
  <div class="breakdown-container">
    <img src="" alt="checkbox icon">
    <div class="breakdown-text">
      <h2>Choose a category</h2>
      <p>Mix and match from our various collections, such as &ldquo;Cleaning,&rdquo; &ldquo;Around the House,&rdquo; and &ldquo;Extra Mobility&rdquo;</p>
  <div class="breakdown-container">
    <img src="" alt="calendar icon">
    <div class="breakdown-text">
      <h2>Pick the delivery date</h2>
      <p>Pick which  day of the month you'd like to recieve your TVCrate</p>
  <div class="breakdown-container">
    <img src="" alt="truck icon">
    <div class="breakdown-text">
      <h2>Get the box</h2>
      <p>It's that easy!</p>
<section id="testimonials">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="quote">
      <p class="quote-text">Thanks to this wonderful service, I don't have any more issues around the house! The grandchildren are amazed to see the collection of products I've  have in stock inside my home. Their eyes pop out of their heads they're so surprised!</p>
      <p class="quote-author">Mildred &#8213; Salt Lake City, Utah</p>
    <div class="quote">
      <p class="quote-text">Thank you TVCrate I love all the stuff I've gotten in the mail it has all been very helpful and I don't know what I would do without your services it is very helpful and it helps get me throgh my days I don't know how to end this email so thanks again thank you very much</p>
      <p class="quote-author">Joseph &#8213; Lubbock, TX</p>
    <div class="quote">
      <p class="quote-text">Wow! What a great idea! I can't imagine going back to life without TVCrate! I look forward to my new box every month!</p>
      <p class="quote-author">Atticus &#8213; Fort Wayne, IN</p>
    <div class="quote">
      <p class="quote-text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tecum optime, deinde etiam cum mediocri amico. Ea possunt paria non esse. An nisi populari fama? Zenonis est, inquam, hoc Stoici. (Make sure to replace this once we get our fourth review -AJ)</p>
      <p class="quote-author">Agnes &#8213; Gadsden, AL</p>
    <h2>Act today! Don't be like these people:</h2>
    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<section id="pricing">
  <ul id="pricing-list">
    <li class="price-box">
      <h2>The Sampler</h2>
      <p>$20 per month</p>
      <ul class="benefit-list">
        <li class="benefit">2 items per box</li>
        <li class="benefit">1 item is exclusive to TVCrate subscribers!</li>
      <button class="btn purchase-btn">Select</button>
    <li class="price-box">
      <h2>The Helper</h2>
      <p>$35 per month</p>
      <ul class="benefit-list">
        <li class="benefit">4 items per box</li>
        <li class="benefit">2 items exclusive to TVCrate subscribers!</li>
        <li class="benefit">$2 off coupon for our line of As Seen on TV products</li>
      <button class="btn purchase-btn">Select</button>
    <li class="price-box">
      <h2>The Assistant</h2>
      <p>$50 per month</p>
      <ul class="benefit-list">
        <li class="benefit">6 items per box</li>
        <li class="benefit">3 items exclusive to TVCrate subscribers!</li>
        <li class="benefit">Outer box autographed by Anthony "Sully" Sullivan</li>
        <li class="benefit">$2 off coupon for our line of As Seen on TV products</li>
        <li class="benefit">A great value!</li>
      <button class="btn purchase-btn">Select</button>
  <p id="assurance">Managing your subscription is painless! You can easily skip a month<sup>*</sup> or cancel<sup>**</sup> at any time.</p>
  <div class="container">
    <div id="copyright">
      <p>Site &copy;2030 by ASOT Enterprises&trade;</p>
        Icons made by <a href="" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> and <a href="" title="Chanut">Chanut</a> from <a href="" title="Flaticon"></a>, and are licensed by <a href="" title="Creative Commons BY 3.0" target="_blank">CC 3.0 BY</a>
    <div id="fine-print">
        <sup>*</sup>To skip a month, you must send a self-addressed stamped envelope to ASOT Enterprises&trade;, PO BOX 1031, New York NY 10014. Letters must be recieved two months before the month you intend to cancel, otherwise shipment and charges will proceed as planned.
        <sup>**</sup>To cancel your subscription, simply send a self-addressed stamped envelope to ASOT Enterprises&trade;, PO BOX 1031, New York NY 10014 with the following: 1) A cancellation request form, which <a href="/retentions">can be found at this link</a>, 2) Two notarized copies of your driver's license, front and back, 3)An envelope pre-stamped with return postage to cover shipping costs of our response back to you.
        By reading this text, you automatically agree to be bound by our <a href="/termsofuse">terms and conditions</a>, and that you agree to arbritration proceedings for any disputes that may arise from using our services.



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/* Testimonials */
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/* Pricing */

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  'use strict';

  * This function overcomes a CSS limitation in order to allow
  * fixed elements to "slide" over one another.
  function updateSlides() {
    let windowTop = $(document).scrollTop();
    $('.slideshow .slide-container').each(function() {
      let parent = $(this).position().top;
      // Check if slide should "stick" once it's reached
      if ($(this).hasClass('sticky-slide')) {
        * Use the slide's bottom padding to avoid
        * "snapping" when scrolling quickly
        let padding = parseInt($(this).css('padding-bottom'));
        if (windowTop > $(this).position().top + padding) {
      $(this).children('.slide-content').css({top: windowTop - parent});

  * Find occurances of the product name within the page, and add appropriate
  * styling and TM text. Completely unnecessary, but it helped avoid needless
  * repetition during drafting, and something about this just amuses me.
  function callMyLawyer() {
    $('body :not(script)').contents().filter(function() {
      return this.nodeType === 3;
    }).replaceWith(function() {
      return this.nodeValue.replace(/tvcrate/gi, '<span class="product-name">TVCrate</span><sup>&trade;</sup>');

  $(document).ready(function() {

    // Handle slide scrolling whenever page changes
    $(window).on('scroll resize', function() {

    // Expand Menu
    $('.expand-menu').click(function() {

