<div id="sse1">
  <div id="sses1">
      <li><a href="#" target="principal">Teste1</a></li>
      <li><a href="?menu=1&skin=1&p=Horizontal-Menus">Testeo2</a></li>
      <li><a href="#" onclick="principal()">Teste3</a></li>
<div id="principal" name="principal" href="#">
/* Visit http://www.menucool.com/horizontal/javascript-menu for source code and other menu CSS templates */

    /*You can decorate the menu's container, such as adding background images through this block*/
    background-color: #30322c;
    height: 250px;
    padding: 10px;
    border-radius: 30px;
    box-sizing: content-box;
    /*You can decorate the menu's container, such as adding background images through this block*/
    background-color: #30322c;
    height: 38px;
    padding: 10px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    box-sizing: content-box;
    margin:0 auto;/*This will make the menu center-aligned. Removing this line will make the menu align left.*/
#sses1 ul 
    position: relative;
    list-style-type: none;
#sses1 li
    list-style-type: none;
/*CSS for background bubble*/
#sses1 li.highlight
    z-index: 1;
    position: absolute;
#sses1 li a
    box-sizing: content-box;
    padding-top: 8px;
    margin: 0 20px;/*used to adjust the distance between each menu item. Now the distance is 20+20=40px.*/
    color: #fff;
    font: normal 12px arial;
    text-align: center;
    text-decoration: none;
    display: block;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 2;
/*! Visit www.menucool.com for source code, other menu scripts and web UI controls
*  Please keep this notice intact. Thank you. */

var sse1 = function () {
    var rebound = 20; //set it to 0 if rebound effect is not prefered
    var slip, k;
    return {
        buildMenu: function () {
            var m = document.getElementById('sses1');
            if(!m) return;
            var ul = m.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];
            m.style.width = ul.offsetWidth+1+"px";
            var items = m.getElementsByTagName("li");
            var a = m.getElementsByTagName("a");

            slip = document.createElement("li");
            slip.className = "highlight";

            var url = document.location.href.toLowerCase();
            k = -1;
            var nLength = -1;
            for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                if (url.indexOf(a[i].href.toLowerCase()) != -1 && a[i].href.length > nLength) {
                    k = i;
                    nLength = a[i].href.length;

            if (k == -1 && /:\/\/(?:www\.)?[^.\/]+?\.[^.\/]+\/?$/.test) {
                for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                    if (a[i].getAttribute("maptopuredomain") == "true") {
                        k = i;
                if (k == -1 && a[0].getAttribute("maptopuredomain") != "false")
                    k = 0;

            if (k > -1) {
                slip.style.width = items[k].offsetWidth + "px";
                //slip.style.left = items[k].offsetLeft + "px";
                sse1.move(items[k]); //comment out this line and uncomment the line above to disable initial animation
            else {
                slip.style.visibility = "hidden";

            for (var i = 0; i < items.length - 1; i++) {
                items[i].onmouseover = function () {
                    if (k == -1) slip.style.visibility = "visible";
                    if (this.offsetLeft != slip.offsetLeft) {

            m.onmouseover = function () {
                if (slip.t2)
                    slip.t2 = clearTimeout(slip.t2);

            m.onmouseout = function () {
                if (k > -1 && items[k].offsetLeft != slip.offsetLeft) {
                    slip.t2 = setTimeout(function () { sse1.move(items[k]); }, 50);
                if (k == -1) slip.t2 = setTimeout(function () { slip.style.visibility = "hidden"; }, 50);
        move: function (target) {
            var direction = (slip.offsetLeft < target.offsetLeft) ? 1 : -1;
            slip.timer = setInterval(function () { sse1.mv(target, direction); }, 15);
        mv: function (target, direction) {
            if (direction == 1) {
                if (slip.offsetLeft - rebound < target.offsetLeft)
                    this.changePosition(target, 1);
                else {
                    slip.timer = setInterval(function () {
                        sse1.recoil(target, 1);
                    }, 15);
            else {
                if (slip.offsetLeft + rebound > target.offsetLeft)
                    this.changePosition(target, -1);
                else {
                    slip.timer = setInterval(function () {
                        sse1.recoil(target, -1);
                    }, 15);
        recoil: function (target, direction) {
            if (direction == -1) {
                if (slip.offsetLeft > target.offsetLeft) {
                    slip.style.left = target.offsetLeft + "px";
                else slip.style.left = slip.offsetLeft + 2 + "px";
            else {
                if (slip.offsetLeft < target.offsetLeft) {
                    slip.style.left = target.offsetLeft + "px";
                else slip.style.left = slip.offsetLeft - 2 + "px";
        changePosition: function (target, direction) {
            if (direction == 1) {
                //following +1 will fix the IE8 bug of x+1=x, we force it to x+2
                slip.style.left = slip.offsetLeft + Math.ceil(Math.abs(target.offsetLeft - slip.offsetLeft + rebound) / 10) + 1 + "px";
            else {
                //following -1 will fix the Opera bug of x-1=x, we force it to x-2
                slip.style.left = slip.offsetLeft - Math.ceil(Math.abs(slip.offsetLeft - target.offsetLeft + rebound) / 10) - 1 + "px";
        changeWidth: function (target) {
            if (slip.offsetWidth != target.offsetWidth) {
                var diff = slip.offsetWidth - target.offsetWidth;
                if (Math.abs(diff) < 4) slip.style.width = target.offsetWidth + "px";
                else slip.style.width = slip.offsetWidth - Math.round(diff / 3) + "px";
} ();

if (window.addEventListener) {
    window.addEventListener("load", sse1.buildMenu, false);
else if (window.attachEvent) {
    window.attachEvent("onload", sse1.buildMenu);
else {
    window["onload"] = sse1.buildMenu;

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.