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                <!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>Pascal's Triangle</title>
	<h1>Pascal's Triangle</h1>
  <code>pascal(8, 3,'|','pascal-container')</code>
	<div id="pascal-container"></div>




 * Pascal’s Triangle
 * @author Arthur Khachatryan <>
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @description Function that takes in number of rows, the number to use, the empty character and DOM container (if results are to be output on page) and returns an instance of Pascal’s Triangle.
 * @param {number}		rows 			the number of rows to display
 * @param {number} 		numToUse 		the base number to be used in triangle
 * @param {[string]} 	emptyChar 		the empty character to use (for console only, not relevant for use on page)
 * @param {[string]} 	DOMContainer 	the element ID of the container to be used to display the triangle on the page 
function pascal(rows, numToUse, emptyChar, DOMContainer) {
	var aRows = []
      , aCols = []
	  , iR = 0
	  , iC = 0
	  , num = numToUse || 1
	  , ins = null
	  , empty = emptyChar || null
	  , columns = rows + (rows - 1)
	  , startCol = Math.floor(columns / 2)
	  , topLeft
	  , topRight

	// builds rows
	for (; iR < rows; iR++) {
		// build columns
		for (; iC < columns; iC++) {

			// if first row, we need a starting position (middle of table)
			if (iR === 0) {
				if (iC === startCol) {
					ins = num;
				} else {
					ins = null;

			// not first row
			} else {
					topLeft = aRows[iR - 1][iC - 1];
					topRight = aRows[iR - 1][iC + 1];

					// checkered null cell
					if (topLeft == null && topRight == null) {
						ins = null;
					// right side cell with 1-sided value
					} else if (topLeft == null && topRight != null) {
						ins = topRight;
					// left side cell with 1-sided value
					} else if (topLeft != null && topRight == null) {
						ins = topLeft;
					// inside cell with value
					} else {
						ins = topLeft + topRight;


		// clear column data for new row
		aCols = [];
        iC = 0;

	iR = 0;
	iC = 0;

	// loop through again and replace null with prescribed empty char
	for (; iR < rows; iR++) {
		for (; iC < columns; iC++) {
			if (aRows[iR][iC] == null) {
				aRows[iR][iC] = empty;
		iC = 0;

	// if a DOM container is passed in use it to constrct an HTML table inside
	if (DOMContainer) {
		iR = 0;
		iC = 0;

		//var container = document.getElementById(DOMContainer);

		var container = document.getElementById(DOMContainer)
			, tr
			, td
			, tdVal
			, table = _appendChild({
	            elParent: container,
	            newTag:   'table',
	            newElID:  'pascal-table',
	            attribs: [
                    { aName: 'border', aVal: '0' },
                    { aName: 'cellspacing', aVal: '1' },
                    { aName: 'cellpadding', aVal: '3' }

		// loop through again and replace null with prescribed empty char
		for (; iR < rows; iR++) {
			tr = _appendChild({
	            elParent: table,
	            newTag:   'tr',
	            newElID:  'pascal-tr-' + iR
			for (; iC < columns; iC++) {
				if (aRows[iR][iC] == empty) {
					aRows[iR][iC] = '';
				td = _appendChild({
		            elParent: tr,
		            newTag:   'td',
		            newElID:  'pascal-td-' + iC,
		            attribs: [
	                    { aName: 'align', aVal: 'center' }
		            sText:    aRows[iR][iC]
			iC = 0;


     * Append DOM element with its own features to parent element
     * @param       {object}        args                the arguments object
     * @property    {DOMElement}    args.elParent       the parent DOM element   
     * @property    {string}        args.newTag         the new HTML tag to be created  
     * @property    {string}        args.newElID        the new ID to be applied to the element being created  
     * @property    {array}         args.newElClasses   the list of classes to be added to the element being created 
     * @property    {array}         args.attribs        the list of attribute object for name and value to be added to the element being created
     * @property    {string}        args.sText          the text to be added to the DOM node 
     * @return      {DOMElement}                        the newly created DOM element 
    function _appendChild (args) {
        var elParent       = args.elParent
            , newTag       = args.newTag
            , newElID      = args.newElID
            , newEl        = document.createElement(newTag)
            , newElClasses = args.elClasses
            , newElAttr    = args.attribs || null
            , i = 0
        ; = newElID;

        if (args.sText) {
            var newContent = document.createTextNode(args.sText);
            //add the text node to the newly created div.
        if (newElClasses) {
            newEl.className = newElClasses;

        // if attribute(s), iterate and add all
        if (newElAttr) {
            var newAttr
                , newElAttrLen = newElAttr.length

            for (; i < newElAttrLen; i++) {
                newAttr = document.createAttribute(newElAttr[i].aName);
                newAttr.value = newElAttr[i].aVal;
                newEl.setAttributeNode(newAttr); // set attribute

        return newEl;


// run function and embed results onto page
pascal(8, 3,'|','pascal-container')
