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                   <div class="container">
        <a class="box box--1">
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                <div class="box__text-line box__text-line--top">
                    <span>Limited time</span>
                <div class="box__text-line box__text-line--bottom">
                    <span>WEEKEND SALE EVENT</span>
            <div class="box__content">
                <div class="box__col">
                    <div class="box__title">Black <span>Friday</span></div>
                    <div class="box__btn">shop now</div>
                <div class="box__col">
                    <div class="box__card card">
                        <div class="card__top">
                            21.11 - 27.11
                        <div class="card__title">
                            <span>15%</span> Electronics
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                            See more
                    <div class="box__card card">
                        <div class="card__top">
                            25 november
                        <div class="card__title">
                            <span>35%</span> everything
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                            See more
        <a class="box box--2">
            <svg class="box__background" viewBox="0 0 800 800" fill="none" xmlns="">
                <path id="line1"
                    d="M251.994 21.5L251.995 190.5C251.995 212.591 269.903 230.5 291.995 230.5L517.5 230.5C539.592 230.5 557.5 248.409 557.5 270.5L557.5 275.5C557.5 297.591 575.409 315.5 597.5 315.5L759 315.5"
                    stroke="black" stroke-width="40" stroke-linecap="round" />
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                    d="M20.5001 451L226 451C248.091 451 266 468.909 266 491L266 530C266 552.091 283.908 570 306 570L475.5 570C497.591 570 515.5 587.909 515.5 610L515.5 776.5"
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                <text fill="#fff">
                    <textpath startOffset="0%" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="central" xlink:href="#line1">
                        WEEKEND SALE EVENT
                        <animate attributeName="startOffset" from="0%" to="100%" begin="0s" dur="6s"
                            repeatCount="indefinite" />
                <text fill="#fff">
                    <textpath startOffset="0%" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="central" xlink:href="#line1">
                        WEEKEND SALE EVENT
                        <animate attributeName="startOffset" from="0%" to="100%" begin="3s" dur="6s"
                            repeatCount="indefinite" />

                <text fill="#fff">
                    <textpath startOffset="0%" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="central" xlink:href="#line2">ONE
                        <animate attributeName="startOffset" from="0%" to="100%" begin="0s" dur="6s"
                            repeatCount="indefinite" />
                <text fill="#fff">
                    <textpath startOffset="0%" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="central" xlink:href="#line2">
                        special OFFER
                        <animate attributeName="startOffset" from="0%" to="100%" begin="3s" dur="6s"
                            repeatCount="indefinite" />
            <div class="box__content">
                get up to <span>50%</span> off
                <div class="box__btn">shop now</div>
        <a class="box box--3">
            <svg class="box__background" viewBox="0 0 540 540" fill="none" xmlns="">
                    d="M420 270C420 352.843 352.843 420 270 420C187.157 420 120 352.843 120 270C120 187.157 187.157 120 270 120C352.843 120 420 187.157 420 270Z"
                    fill="black" />


            <svg class="box__background box__text-svg" viewBox="0 0 540 540" fill="none"
                <path id="circle1"
                    d="M440 270C440 363.888 363.888 440 270 440C176.112 440 100 363.888 100 270C100 176.112 176.112 100 270 100C363.888 100 440 176.112 440 270Z"
                    stroke-width="40" />
                    <textPath alignment-baseline="middle" href="#circle1" stroke="none" fill="#000">
                        SUPER SALE • BEST OFFER • the full • SUPER SALE • SALE EVENT •

            <svg class="box__background box__text-svg box__text-svg--reverse" viewBox="0 0 540 540" fill="none"
                <path id="circle2" stroke="#000"
                    d="M480 270C480 385.98 385.98 480 270 480C154.02 480 60 385.98 60 270C60 154.02 154.02 60 270 60C385.98 60 480 154.02 480 270Z"
                    stroke-width="40" />

                    <textPath alignment-baseline="middle" href="#circle2" stroke="none" fill="#fff">
                        10% 70% 35% 25% 55% 80% 15% 15% 80% 10% 70% 35% 25% 5% 80% 15% 5% 80% 15%

            <svg class="box__background box__text-svg" viewBox="0 0 540 540" fill="none"
                <path id="circle3"
                    d="M520 270C520 408.071 408.071 520 270 520C131.929 520 20 408.071 20 270C20 131.929 131.929 20 270 20C408.071 20 520 131.929 520 270Z"
                    stroke-width="40" />

                    <textPath alignment-baseline="middle" href="#circle3" stroke="none" fill="#000">
                        $ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $$$ $$ $ $$ $ $ $ $$ $$$ $ $$ $ $ $$$ $$ $$ $ $ $$$ $$ $$ $ $ $$$ $ $ $$ $$ $$$
                        $ $ $$$ $$$

            <div class="box__content">
                get up to <span>25%</span>
                <div class="box__btn">shop now</div>
        <a class="box box--4">
            <div class="box__content">
                <span>WEEKEND SALE EVENT</span>
                <span>the full</span>
                <span>SUPER SALE</span>
                <span>5% off</span>
                <span>SALE EVENT</span>
                <span>ONE Day</span>!
                <span>the full</span>
                70%! $$
                <span class="box__title box__title--top">Black Friday</span>
                <span>85% off</span>
                <span class="box__title">shop now</span>$
                <span>5% off</span>$
                <span>50% OFF</span>
                <span>BEST OFFER</span>
                <span>the full</span>$
                <span>Limited time</span>
                50%<span>off sale</span>
                <span>special OFFER</span>


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