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                //- svg
- var exclamation_svg = '<svg viewBox="0 0 38 40" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M32 39L6 34L0 40V6C0 2.69922 2.69922 0 6 0H32C35.3008 0 38 2.69922 38 6V33C38 36.3008 35.3008 39 32 39ZM17 17.5555H22V31L17 30V17.5555ZM19.5 15C21.4346 15 23 13.4346 23 11.5C23 9.56543 21.4346 8 19.5 8C17.5654 8 16 9.56543 16 11.5C16 13.4346 17.5654 15 19.5 15Z"/></svg>';
- var reset = "M212.333 224.333H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V12C0 5.373 5.373 0 12 0h48c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v78.112C117.773 39.279 184.26 7.47 258.175 8.007c136.906.994 246.448 111.623 246.157 248.532C504.041 393.258 393.12 504 256.333 504c-64.089 0-122.496-24.313-166.51-64.215-5.099-4.622-5.334-12.554-.467-17.42l33.967-33.967c4.474-4.474 11.662-4.717 16.401-.525C170.76 415.336 211.58 432 256.333 432c97.268 0 176-78.716 176-176 0-97.267-78.716-176-176-176-58.496 0-110.28 28.476-142.274 72.333h98.274c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v48c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12z";
- var contain = "M0 180V56c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h124c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H64v84c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12zM288 44v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h84v84c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H300c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12zm148 276h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v84h-84c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h124c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V332c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM160 468v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H64v-84c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H12c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v124c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h124c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z";
- var randomizer = "M504.971 359.029c9.373 9.373 9.373 24.569 0 33.941l-80 79.984c-15.01 15.01-40.971 4.49-40.971-16.971V416h-58.785a12.004 12.004 0 0 1-8.773-3.812l-70.556-75.596 53.333-57.143L352 336h32v-39.981c0-21.438 25.943-31.998 40.971-16.971l80 79.981zM12 176h84l52.781 56.551 53.333-57.143-70.556-75.596A11.999 11.999 0 0 0 122.785 96H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v56c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm372 0v39.984c0 21.46 25.961 31.98 40.971 16.971l80-79.984c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941l-80-79.981C409.943 24.021 384 34.582 384 56.019V96h-58.785a12.004 12.004 0 0 0-8.773 3.812L96 336H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v56c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h110.785c3.326 0 6.503-1.381 8.773-3.812L352 176h32z";
- var clear = "M497.941 273.941c18.745-18.745 18.745-49.137 0-67.882l-160-160c-18.745-18.745-49.136-18.746-67.883 0l-256 256c-18.745 18.745-18.745 49.137 0 67.882l96 96A48.004 48.004 0 0 0 144 480h356c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H355.883l142.058-142.059zm-302.627-62.627l137.373 137.373L265.373 416H150.628l-80-80 124.686-124.686z";
- var download = "M216 0h80c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v168h87.7c17.8 0 26.7 21.5 14.1 34.1L269.7 378.3c-7.5 7.5-19.8 7.5-27.3 0L90.1 226.1c-12.6-12.6-3.7-34.1 14.1-34.1H192V24c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24zm296 376v112c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V376c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h146.7l49 49c20.1 20.1 52.5 20.1 72.6 0l49-49H488c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24zm-124 88c0-11-9-20-20-20s-20 9-20 20 9 20 20 20 20-9 20-20zm64 0c0-11-9-20-20-20s-20 9-20 20 9 20 20 20 20-9 20-20z";
- var arrow = "M190.5 66.9l22.2-22.2c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0L441 239c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L246.6 467.3c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-22.2-22.2c-9.5-9.5-9.3-25 .4-34.3L311.4 296H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24v-32c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h287.4L190.9 101.2c-9.8-9.3-10-24.8-.4-34.3z";

- var exclamation_svg_2 = '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 245.694 104.34"> <defs><style type="text/css">.fil0{fill:#001}.fil2{fill:#F06}.fil1{fill:white}</style></defs> <g> <polygon class="fil0" points="0,6.908 245.694,0 245.694,97.432 0,104.34 "/> <path class="fil1" d="M83.017 34.92l87.803 0c0.975,0 1.772,0.797 1.772,1.772l0 0.001c0,0.974 -0.797,1.771 -1.772,1.771l-87.803 0c-0.974,0 -1.771,-0.797 -1.771,-1.771l0 -0.001c0,-0.975 0.797,-1.772 1.771,-1.772z"/> <path class="fil2" d="M103.666 30.585c3.373,0 6.108,2.734 6.108,6.107 0,3.373 -2.735,6.107 -6.108,6.107 -3.373,0 -6.107,-2.734 -6.107,-6.107 0,-3.373 2.734,-6.107 6.107,-6.107z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M87.471 61.282l11.977 0c2.809,0 5.106,2.297 5.106,5.105l0 0.001c0,2.809 -2.297,5.106 -5.106,5.106l-11.977 0c-2.809,0 -5.106,-2.297 -5.106,-5.106l0 -0.001c0,-2.808 2.297,-5.105 5.106,-5.105z"/> <path class="fil2" d="M86.682 60.296c3.373,0 6.107,2.734 6.107,6.107 0,3.372 -2.734,6.107 -6.107,6.107 -3.373,0 -6.107,-2.735 -6.107,-6.107 0,-3.373 2.734,-6.107 6.107,-6.107z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M121.624 61.282l11.978 0c2.808,0 5.105,2.297 5.105,5.105l0 0.001c0,2.809 -2.297,5.106 -5.105,5.106l-11.978 0c-2.808,0 -5.106,-2.297 -5.106,-5.106l0 -0.001c0,-2.808 2.298,-5.105 5.106,-5.105z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M121.624 61.282l11.978 0c2.808,0 5.105,2.297 5.105,5.105l0 0.001c0,2.809 -2.297,5.106 -5.105,5.106l-11.978 0c-2.808,0 -5.106,-2.297 -5.106,-5.106l0 -0.001c0,-2.808 2.298,-5.105 5.106,-5.105z"/> <path class="fil2" d="M120.836 60.296c3.373,0 6.107,2.734 6.107,6.107 0,3.372 -2.734,6.107 -6.107,6.107 -3.373,0 -6.107,-2.735 -6.107,-6.107 0,-3.373 2.734,-6.107 6.107,-6.107z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M155.778 61.282l11.977 0c2.809,0 5.106,2.297 5.106,5.105l0 0.001c0,2.809 -2.297,5.106 -5.106,5.106l-11.977 0c-2.809,0 -5.106,-2.297 -5.106,-5.106l0 -0.001c0,-2.808 2.297,-5.105 5.106,-5.105z"/> <path class="fil1" d="M155.778 61.282l11.977 0c2.809,0 5.106,2.297 5.106,5.105l0 0.001c0,2.809 -2.297,5.106 -5.106,5.106l-11.977 0c-2.809,0 -5.106,-2.297 -5.106,-5.106l0 -0.001c0,-2.808 2.297,-5.105 5.106,-5.105z"/> <path class="fil2" d="M154.989 60.296c3.373,0 6.107,2.734 6.107,6.107 0,3.372 -2.734,6.107 -6.107,6.107 -3.373,0 -6.107,-2.735 -6.107,-6.107 0,-3.373 2.734,-6.107 6.107,-6.107z"/> </g></svg>';
- var exclamation_svg_1 = '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 167.128 70.975"> <defs><style type="text/css">.fil0{fill:#001}.fil2{fill:#F06}.fil1{fill:white}</style></defs> <g> <polygon class="fil0" points="0,4.699 167.128,0 167.128,66.276 0,70.975 "/> <polygon class="fil1" points="53.942,31.813 72.217,12.277 91.252,29.065 125.181,55.759 61.1,55.347 35.236,43.662 "/> <path class="fil2" d="M89.365 33.696l9.639 0c1.755,-0.016 2.448,-0.004 3.01,0 1.038,0 1.838,0.402 2.418,1.205 0.571,0.789 0.861,1.921 0.871,3.393l0 7.777 6.372 -6.521c1.285,0 2.316,0.284 3.094,0.853 0.778,0.568 1.167,1.284 1.167,2.148 0,0.371 -0.061,0.711 -0.185,1.019 -0.124,0.309 -0.315,0.624 -0.574,0.945 -0.26,0.321 -0.593,0.661 -1.001,1.019 -0.407,0.358 -0.883,0.772 -1.426,1.241l-2.149 1.853 5.928 5.928c-0.124,1.16 -0.463,2.05 -1.019,2.667 -0.556,0.618 -1.364,0.927 -2.427,0.927 -0.79,0 -1.494,-0.192 -2.112,-0.575 -0.617,-0.382 -1.284,-1.031 -2,-1.945l-3.668 -4.594 0 6.743c-0.272,0.049 -0.673,0.117 -1.204,0.204 -0.531,0.086 -1.069,0.129 -1.612,0.129 -0.543,0 -1.031,-0.036 -1.464,-0.111 -0.432,-0.074 -0.796,-0.222 -1.092,-0.444 -0.297,-0.223 -0.526,-0.525 -0.686,-0.908 -0.16,-0.383 -0.241,-0.883 -0.241,-1.501l0 -11.96c-0.007,-1.406 -0.242,-2.693 -0.703,-3.86 -0.47,-1.186 -1.131,-2.192 -1.983,-3.019 -0.852,-0.828 -1.871,-1.47 -3.056,-1.927 -1.168,-0.45 -2.466,-0.679 -3.897,-0.686zm-21.514 19.103c-2.4,0 -4.65,-0.326 -6.751,-0.975 -2.1,-0.651 -3.925,-1.634 -5.475,-2.951 -1.55,-1.317 -2.775,-2.959 -3.675,-4.925 -0.901,-1.968 -1.351,-4.251 -1.351,-6.851 0,-2.734 0.492,-5.118 1.476,-7.151 0.983,-2.034 2.283,-3.725 3.9,-5.076 1.617,-1.35 3.467,-2.358 5.551,-3.025 2.083,-0.666 4.225,-1 6.425,-1 3.167,0 5.676,0.508 7.526,1.525 1.85,1.017 2.775,2.342 2.775,3.976 0,0.866 -0.216,1.616 -0.649,2.25 -0.434,0.633 -0.934,1.133 -1.501,1.5 -0.833,-0.5 -1.875,-0.992 -3.125,-1.475 -1.25,-0.483 -2.659,-0.725 -4.226,-0.725 -2.8,0 -5.025,0.8 -6.675,2.4 -1.651,1.6 -2.476,3.817 -2.476,6.651 0,1.533 0.225,2.858 0.675,3.975 0.45,1.117 1.059,2.033 1.826,2.75 0.767,0.717 1.65,1.251 2.65,1.6 1,0.351 2.067,0.525 3.2,0.525 0.734,0 1.384,-0.066 1.951,-0.199 0.566,-0.134 1,-0.284 1.3,-0.45 0,-2.771 -0.001,-4.491 0.027,-6.876 0.01,-1.473 0.3,-2.605 0.871,-3.394 0.5,-0.692 1.164,-1.086 2.003,-1.182l2.3 0 0.01 0.004 0.324 -0.004c0.544,0 1.081,0.032 1.612,0.094 0.531,0.063 0.932,0.12 1.204,0.174l0 2.836 0 0.047 0 6.459c0.007,1.407 0.242,2.693 0.704,3.861 0.469,1.185 1.13,2.192 1.982,3.019 0.852,0.828 1.871,1.47 3.057,1.927 1.167,0.45 2.465,0.678 3.896,0.685 -7.112,0 -14.229,-0.024 -21.341,0.001zm18.186 -9.544c0,1.507 0.29,2.662 0.87,3.464 0.581,0.803 1.39,1.205 2.427,1.205 1.038,0 1.834,-0.408 2.39,-1.223 0.556,-0.815 0.834,-1.963 0.834,-3.446 0,-1.482 -0.284,-2.624 -0.852,-3.427 -0.568,-0.802 -1.371,-1.204 -2.409,-1.204 -1.037,0 -1.84,0.402 -2.408,1.204 -0.568,0.803 -0.852,1.945 -0.852,3.427z"/> </g></svg>';

//- mixin
mixin iconSVG(path, viewBox='0 0 512 512')
	svg(viewBox=viewBox xmlns="")

mixin inputNumber(name, label, value, className="sitt")
		label(for= name)
			span= label
				<!-- - -->
				input(id= name type="text" value= value)
				<!-- + -->

mixin toggle(name, label, className="sitt", checked=false)
		label.toggle(for= name)
			span= label
				input(id= name type="checkbox" name="toggle" checked=checked)

// Контент

	// Вспомогательный интерфейс
		span.btn.exclamation(tooltip='О проекте', flow='leftDown')

		span.btn.reset(style="display: none;")(tooltip='В начальное положение', flow='leftDown')

		span.btn.contain(style="display: ;")(tooltip='По размеру окна', flow='leftDown')

		span#progress ....
		// Интерфейс
			.action__drow Рисовать!
			.action__clear.action__mini-btn(tooltip='Отчистить холст', flow='left')
			.action__reset.action__mini-btn(tooltip='Сбросить настройки', flow='left')
			.action__randomizer.action__mini-btn(tooltip='Рандом', flow='left')
			.action__download.action__mini-btn(tooltip='Скачать', flow='left')

			span SVG
			span sittings

				span Число дуг
				input#range.range-slider__range(type="range" value="120" min="1" max="4000")
				input#range-slider.range-slider__value(type="text" value="1")

			+inputNumber("width", "Ширина линий", 1)

			+inputNumber("vector", "Старт. вектор", 8)

			+inputNumber("grow", "Растяжение", 0)

			+inputNumber("degrow", "Сжатие", 0)

			+inputNumber("radius", "Радиус", 1, "sitt DIVradius")

			+toggle("color", "Цвет")
			#colorVal(style="display: none;")
				#colorValPlus(style="display: none;") +
			.DIVgradient(style="display: none;")
				+toggle("gradient", "Градиент")

			+toggle("restart", "Рестарт")

			+toggle("round", "Кручение")

			+toggle("smoothie", "Сердцеед")

			+toggle("petals", "Лепестки")

			+toggle("volna", "Волна")

			+toggle("rotation", "Поворот дуги", "sitt DIVrotation", true)

			+toggle("grouping", "Группировать")

	// презантация
					|Привет, добрый человек! Я - Gok, генератор классных .svg узоров, которые вы можете использовать в своём творчестве. Нажмите "Далее", и я немного расскажу о себе.
					|Здесь мои настройки. Вы можете поиграться с параметрами, чтобы разобраться в них.
					|Или позволить мне выставить их самостоятельно для демонстрации своих возможностей.
					|Жёлтая кнопка творит волшебство. Жмякните!
					|Эта отчищает хост: чтобы «начать с чистого листа»!
					|А эта позволят скачать картинку. Пользуйтесь на здоровье!
					|Ура! Вот и познакомились. Буду рад оказаться у вас в закладках :)
					|Кстати, моему создателю будет приятно получить от вас обратную связь: 
					a(href="") сайт
			span.exit Закрыть
			span.backward Назад
			span.nextExclamation Далее
			+iconSVG(arrow, "0 0 448 512")


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	.DIVrange {
		[for="range-slider"] {
			padding: 1.6em 1.6em 1.6em 1.6em;
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			grid-template-areas: 'name range-slider' 'range range';
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			align-items: center;
			color: var(--grey);
			span {
				grid-area: name;
				text-align: left;
			.range-slider__range {
				grid-area: range;
				-webkit-appearance: none;
				height: 2px;
				background: var(--grey-black);
				font-size: 15px;
				cursor: pointer;
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					background: var(--white);
					cursor: ew-resize;
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						box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.3), 0 8px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
				&:active::-webkit-slider-thumb, &:active::-moz-range-thumb {
					background: var(--yellow);
				&:focus {
					background: var(--yellow);
					cursor: ew-resize;
			.range-slider__value {
				grid-area: range-slider;
	.toggle {
		display: grid;
		grid-template-columns: 1fr max-content;
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		padding: 1.6em 1.6em 1.6em 1.6em;
		.switch {
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			position: relative;
			display: inline-flex;
			border: 1px solid var(--grey-black);
			border-radius: var(--border-radius);
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			box-sizing: border-box;
			input {
				width: 100%;
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				top: 0;
				right: 0;
				bottom: 0;
				left: 0;
				filter: alpha(opacity=0);
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				opacity: 0;
				z-index: 100;
				position: absolute;
				cursor: pointer;
				& ~ i {
					display: block;
					position: absolute;
					height: 1.2em;
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					left: -.2em;
					top: -.17em;
					z-index: 2;
					border-radius: 50%;
					background: var(--grey-black);
					transition: all .2s ease-out;
				&:checked ~ i {
					left: calc(100% - 1em);
					background: var(--yellow);
				&:disabled ~ i {
					background: var(--grey-black);
	#colorVal {
		border-top: 1px solid var(--light-black);
		padding: 1.6em 1.6em 1.6em 1.6em;
		input {
			margin-bottom: 1em;
			width: 100%;
	#ellipseVal {
		border-top: 1px solid var(--light-black);
	#colorValPlus {
		cursor: pointer;
		color: var(--grey-black);
		padding: .2em .4em;
		&:hover, &:active {
			color: var(--yellow);
	.DIVgradient {
		border-top: 1px solid var(--light-black);

#exclamationContent {
	position: absolute;
	min-width: 200px;
	max-width: 400px;
	background: var(--black);
	color: var(--white);
	border-radius: var(--border-radius);
	padding: 1.2em 2em 1em 1.2em;
	border: 1px solid var(--light-black);
	.exclamations {
		.exclamation-item {
			span {
				margin: .3em 0;
				display: inline-block;
					margin: 0;
				a {
					display: inline;
					color: var(--yellow);
					text-decoration: none;
					&:active, &:hover {
						text-decoration: underline;
	.navigations {
		border-top: 1px solid var(--light-black);
		margin: 1.6em 0 0;
		padding: 1em 0 0;
		font-size: .8em;
		color: var(--grey);
		font-style: italic;
		span {
			cursor: pointer;
			padding: .4em .6em 0 0;
			&:active, &:hover {
				color: var(--yellow);
		.nextExclamation {
			background: var(--red);
			padding: .4em .6em;
			color: var(--white);
			border-radius: var(--border-radius);
			&:active, &:hover {
				background: var(--yellow);
				color: var(--white);
	.arrow {
		position: absolute;
		top: .4em;
		right: -1em;
		background: var(--black);
		padding: .4em;
		line-height: 0;
		border-radius: 50%;
		border: 1px solid var(--white);
		width: 2em;
		height: 2em;
		svg {
			width: 1em;
			fill: var(--white);

.hidden {
	display: none;


                (function(win) {
	class SVGing {
		constructor() {
			this.lineCSS = {
				'stroke': '#f06',
				'stroke-width': 0.5,
				'stroke-opacity': 1,
				'stroke-linecap': 'round',
				'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
				'cursor': this.getCursorMove(),
				'fill-rule': 'none',
			}; // Базовый стиль линий
			this.rectCSS = {
				'cursor': this.getCursorMove(),
				'fill': '#fff',
				'fill-opacity': .5,
				'stroke': '#000',
				'stroke-width': .5,
				'stroke-opacity': .025,
				'stroke-linecap': 'round',
				'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
			}; // стиль прямоугольника


			this.width = this.height = Math.max( this.els.svg.width(), this.els.svg.height() );
			this.draw = SVG('svg').size('100%', '100%').viewbox( 0, 0, this.width, this.height ); ='content'); // Контент
			this.gLines ='lines'); // Группа для линий
			this.gRemove; // Подложка
			this.lineS = []; // Пути
			this.reStartControl = 1; // 1 - поле пусто; 0 - уже что-то нарисовано
			this.US = {}; // Параметры
			this.Q = {nPath: 1, largeArcFlag: 1, gradientCashe: undefined}; // Для расчёта
			this.colorGroups = []; // Группы для элментов определённого цвета
			this.colors = []; // Шаблоны заливки
			this.scale = 1; // Масштаб


		// начало

		init() {
			this.els.drow.on('click', () => this.drow());'click', () =>;
			this.els.clear.on('click', () => this.clear());
			this.els.resetSittings.on('click', () => this.resetSittings());
			this.els.randomizer.on('click', () => this.randomizer());
			this.els.reset.on('click', () => this.reset());
			this.els.contain.on('click', () => this.contain());

			this.drow(); this.gLines );
			this.resize( );'dragmove', (e) => {
				if (Math.round( !== 0 || Math.round( !== 0) {
					this.els.reset.css({display: 'block'});
					this.els.contain.css({display: 'block'});

		// инициализация свойства this.els, содержащего интерфейсы

		initEls() {
			this.els = { // elements
				svg: $('#svg'),
				DIVrange: $('.DIVrange'),
				DIVvector: $('.DIVvector'),
				DIVgrow: $('.DIVgrow'),
				DIVdegrow: $('.DIVdegrow'),
				DIVrestart: $('.DIVrestart'),
				DIVsmoothie: $('.DIVsmoothie'),
				DIVpetals: $('.DIVpetals'),
				DIVcolor: $('.DIVcolor'),
				DIVround: $('.DIVround'),
				DIVvolna: $('.DIVvolna'),
				DIVgradient: $('.DIVgradient'),
				DIVwidth: $('.DIVwidth'),
				DIVradius: $('.DIVradius'),
				DIVgrouping: $('.DIVgrouping'),

				grow: $('#grow'),
				degrow: $('#degrow'),
				range: $('#range'),
				range_slider: $('.range-slider__value'),
				stVector: $('#vector'),
				restart: $('#restart'),
				smoothie: $('#smoothie'),
				petals: $('#petals'),
				color: $('#color'),
				volna: $('#volna'),
				round: $('#round'),
				gradient: $('#gradient'),
				width: $('#width'),
				grouping: $('#grouping'),
				reset: $('.reset'),
				contain: $('.contain'),
				progress: $('#progress'),
				drow: $('.action__drow'),
				radius: $('#radius'),
				rotation: $('#rotation'),
				colorVals: $('.colorVal'),
				colorVal: $('#colorVal'),
				colorValPlus: $('#colorValPlus'),
				clear: $('.action__clear'),
				resetSittings: $('.action__reset'),
				download: $('.action__download'),
				randomizer: $('.action__randomizer'),

		// вывот прогресса

		progress(t) {
			this.els.progress.text( t );

		// перед отрисовкой

		beforeDrow() {
			if(this.US.gradient && this.US.colorVal.length > 1){
				this.els.gradient.prop("disabled", true);

		// после отрисовки

		afterDrow()	{
			this.els.drow.on('click', () => {

		// отрисовка

		drow() {
			this.progress( '...' );

			this.progress( '..' );

			this.progress( '.' );

			this.progress( '' );

		// генерация кривых
		// Q.startX and Q.startY are coordinates end of lines
		// Q.dx and Q.dy are vectors
		// vX and vY are modified vectors
		// rX and rY are radii

			let R1, R2, vX, vY, rX, rY, smoothie, radius, rotation, LAF, restart, v, line = '', T = this;

			T.US.smoothie == false ? smoothie = 1 : smoothie = -1;
			radius = T.US.radius
			LAF = T.Q.largeArcFlag;
			restart = T.US.restart || T.reStartControl;

			for (let i = 0, r = T.US.range; i < r; i++) {
				// -1 или 1
				R1 = T.rand_1AND1();

				T.US.volna ? R1 = 1 : null; 
				T.US.round ? R1 = -1 : null;

				// коэффициент изменение длины вектора
				R2 = T.rand_1AND2();

				if (i || (!i && !restart)) {
					// не первая иттерация или первая иттерация и узор продолжается

					vX = T.Q.dx * R2;
					vY = T.Q.dy * R2;

					R1 == -1 ? null : LAF = ~~!LAF;
					v = (LAF == 1 && (vX * vY < 0)) || (LAF == 0 && (vX * vY * smoothie > 0));

					if ( v ) {
						T.Q.dx = vX;
						T.Q.dy = vY * R1;
					} else {
						T.Q.dx = vX * R1;
						T.Q.dy = vY;

					rX = rY = Math.abs( T.Q.dx );

				if (!i) {
					// первая иттерация

					if (restart) {
						// узор рисуется с начала

						T.Q.dx = T.Q.dy = R1 * T.US.stVector;
						rX = rY = Math.abs( T.Q.dx );

						T.Q.startX = T.width / 2;
						T.Q.startY = T.height / 2;

						T.reStartControl = 0;
					} else {
						// узор продолжается

					// Поворот дуги
					T.US.rotation ? T.Q.dx * T.Q.dy > 0 ? rotation = 45 : rotation = 135 : rotation = 45;

					rY = rY * radius;

					line = collectionLines(line, i, 
						M(T.Q.startX, T.Q.startY, rX, rY, rotation, LAF, T.Q.dx, T.Q.dy), 
						M(T.Q.startX, T.Q.startY, rX, rY, rotation, LAF, T.Q.dx, T.Q.dy)

					T.Q.startX += T.Q.dx;
					T.Q.startY += T.Q.dy;
					T.Q.largeArcFlag = LAF;


				// Поворот дуги
				T.US.rotation ? T.Q.dx * T.Q.dy > 0 ? rotation = 45 : rotation = 135 : rotation = 45;
				T.US.petals ? T.Q.dy = vY * R1 : null;

				rY = rY * radius;

				line = collectionLines(line, i, 
					M(T.Q.startX, T.Q.startY, rX, rY, rotation, LAF, T.Q.dx, T.Q.dy), 
					a(rX, rY, rotation, LAF, T.Q.dx, T.Q.dy)

				T.Q.startX += T.Q.dx;
				T.Q.startY += T.Q.dy;
				T.Q.largeArcFlag = LAF;

			function M(startX, startY, rX, rY, rotation, largeArcFlag, dx, dy) {
				return `M${startX} ${startY} a${ a(rX, rY, rotation, largeArcFlag, dx, dy) }`;
			function a(rX, rY, rotation, largeArcFlag, dx, dy) {
				return `${rX} ${rY} ${rotation} 0 ${largeArcFlag} ${dx} ${dy} `;
			function collectionLines(line, i, M, a) {
				if (T.US.color) {
					// включён режим цветной линии
					T.lineS.push( M );
				} else {
					line += a;

					// это последняя иттерация
					i == T.US.range - 1 ? T.lineS.push( line ) : null;

				return line;

		// создание шаблонов цветов

			let T = this, gradient = T.US.gradient && T.US.color;

			// наполняем defs
			T.US.colorVal.forEach((e, i) => {
				let c = e.replace('#', '_');

				if ( !T.colors[c] ) {
					// создаём элемент, определённого цвета
					T.colors[c] = T.draw.gradient('linear', (stop) => {, e);
					}).id('G' + i);
				if(T.US.grouping && !T.colorGroups[c] ){
					// создаём группу для элементов, определённого цвета
					T.colorGroups[c] =;

				if( gradient ){
					// иттеративно создаем различные градиенты
					createGradient(i, T.US.colorVal);

			// Создание всех возможных сочетаний градиентов с цветом "a"
			// a - index цвета
			// colorVal - this.US.colorVal

			function createGradient(a, colorVal) {
				let ai, ia;

				for(let i = a + 1; i < colorVal.length; i++){
					ai = (colorVal[a] + colorVal[i]).replace(/#/g, '_');
					ia = (colorVal[i] + colorVal[a]).replace(/#/g, '_');

					// создаём элементы, определённого градиента
					if ( !T.colors[ai] ) {
						T.colors[ai] = T.draw.gradient('linear', (stop) => {, colorVal[a]), colorVal[i])
						}).id('G' + a + i)
					if ( !T.colors[ia] ) {
						T.colors[ia] = T.draw.gradient('linear', (stop) => {, colorVal[i]), colorVal[a])
						}).id('G' + i + a)

					// создаём группы для элементов, определённого градиента
					if ( T.US.grouping ) {
						if( !T.colorGroups[ia] ){
							T.colorGroups[ia] =;
						if( !T.colorGroups[ai] ){
							T.colorGroups[ai] =;

				a < colorVal.length ? createGradient(a, colorVal) : null;

		// окрашивание и публикация

			let T = this, stroke, nColorGroups, random, path;

			this.lineS.forEach((item, i, arr) => {
				// берём случайный цвет
				// номер цвета
				random = T.randomInteger(0, T.US.colorVal.length - 1);

				// id заливки
				stroke = 'G' + random;

				// номер группы цвета
				nColorGroups = T.US.colorVal[ random ];

				if(T.US.color && T.US.gradient){
					if(T.Q.gradientCashe == random || T.Q.gradientCashe == undefined){
						// предыдущий цвет равен новому или неопределённ (первый элемент)
					} else {
						// gradient
						// обновляем
						stroke = 'G' + T.Q.gradientCashe + random;
						nColorGroups = T.US.colorVal[ T.Q.gradientCashe ] + T.US.colorVal[ random ];

						if(item.split(' ')[7] < 0){
							// кривая направлена влево
							// обновляем
							stroke = 'G' + random + T.Q.gradientCashe;
							nColorGroups = T.US.colorVal[ random ] + T.US.colorVal[ T.Q.gradientCashe ];

					// запоминаем номер предыдущего цвета
					T.Q.gradientCashe = random;

				// приводим к нужному виду
				nColorGroups = nColorGroups.replace(/#/g, '_');

				// публикуем
				T.lineCSS['stroke'] = `url(#${ stroke })`;
				path = T.draw.path(item).fill('none').attr(T.lineCSS).id('path_' + T.Q.nPath++);

				if (T.US.grouping) {
					// группировка включена
					T.colorGroups[ nColorGroups ].add(path);
				} else {

			this.lineS = [];

		// сбор пользовательских параметров

		upSittings() {
			this.US.grow = +this.els.grow.val();
			this.US.degrow = +this.els.degrow.val();
			this.US.range = +this.els.range.val();
			this.US.stVector = +this.els.stVector.val();
			this.US.width = +this.els.width.val();
			this.US.radius = +this.els.radius.val();
			this.US.rotation = +this.els.rotation.prop("checked");
			this.US.restart = this.els.restart.prop("checked");
			this.US.smoothie = this.els.smoothie.prop("checked");
			this.US.petals = this.els.petals.prop("checked");
			this.US.color = this.els.color.prop("checked");
			this.US.volna = this.els.volna.prop("checked");
			this.US.round = this.els.round.prop("checked");
			this.US.gradient = this.els.gradient.prop("checked");
			this.US.grouping = this.els.grouping.prop("checked");

			this.lineCSS['stroke-width'] = this.US.width;
			this.US.colorVal = this.US.color ? this.getColor() : ['#f06'];

		// блок для захвата и перемещения

		createGroupRemove() {
			let T = this;
			this.gRemove ='remove');;
				this.draw.rect(this.width, this.height).x(0).y(0).attr(this.rectCSS).id('background') 

			[ [0, 0], [this.width, 0], [this.width, this.width], [0, this.width] ].forEach(function(e, i) {
				T.gRemove.add([0], e[1]).attr({
						fill: '#001', 
						cursor: T.getCursorMove()
					}).id('circle_' + i)

		// масштабирование

		resize(el) {
			var scale, d;

			el.on('wheel', (e) => {
				scale = this.scale
				let a = this.draw.viewbox()
				var p = el.point(e.x, e.y)
				var b = el.rbox()
				var w2 = b.width / 2
				var h2 = b.height / 2
				var _ = el.point(,
				var _x = (p.x - _.x) / w2
				var _y = (p.y - _.y) / h2

				if(scale < 0.4) { d = 0.01 }
					else if (scale < 1) { d = 0.05 }
						else if (scale < 3) { d = 0.1 }
							else if (scale < 5) { d = 0.2 }
								else if (scale < 10) { d = 0.4 }
									else if (scale < 20) { d = 0.7 }
										else if (scale < 50) { d = 1 }
											else if (scale < 100) { d = 4 }
												else if (scale < 200) { d = 7 }
													else { d = 10 }

				e.deltaY > 0 ? scale += d : scale -= d;
				scale <= 0.01 ? scale = 0.01 : scale = scale;
				scale = +scale.toFixed(3);

				el.scale( scale );
				this.scale = scale;
				var b2 = el.rbox()
				var ww = ((b.width - b2.width) / 2) * _x * scale
				var hh = ((b.height - b2.height) / 2) * _y * scale
				var t =
				el.transform({ x: t.x + ww, y: t.y + hh})

				els.contain.css({display: 'block'});
				if (Math.round(el.x()) !== 0 || Math.round(el.y()) !== 0 || scale !== 1) {
					els.reset.css({display: 'block'})
				} else {
					els.reset.css({display: 'none'})

		// отчистить холст

		clear() {
			this.gLines.each(function(i,elem) {

			this.reStartControl = 1;
			this.Q.largeArcFlag = 1;
			this.colorGroups = [];
			this.colors = [];

			this.Q.nPath = 1;
			this.els.gradient.prop("disabled", false);

		// сброс размера

		reset() {;
			this.scale = 1;
			this.els.reset.css({display: 'none'})
			this.els.contain.css({display: 'block'});

		// вместить

		contain() {
			let a = this.draw.viewbox().width / Math.max(,;

			this.els.reset.css({display: 'block'});
			this.els.contain.css({display: 'none'});

			setTimeout(() => { a );
				this.scale = a;
				setTimeout(() => {
					var B =
					var V = this.draw.viewbox()

					var w = -B.x * a + (V.width - B.width * a) / 2
					var h = -B.y * a + (V.height - B.height * a) / 2{ x: w, y: h})
				}, 0)
			}, 0)

		// скачать SVG

		download() {
			var rbox = this.gLines.bbox(),
				sW = this.US.width,
				w = rbox.width + sW * 2,
				h = rbox.height + sW * 2,
				x = -rbox.x + sW,
				y = -rbox.y + sW,
				defs = this.draw.defs().id('defs').svg(),
				lines = this.gLines.x(x).y(y).svg(),
				svg = SVG('svg-download').size( w, h ).viewbox( 0, 0, w, h ).id('svg'),
				a = document.createElement('a'), xml, ev;

			svg.svg( defs )
			svg.svg( lines ) = 'pattern.svg';
			a.href = 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,' + btoa( svg.svg() );

			ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
			ev.initMouseEvent("click", true, false, self, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);

		// случайное число между min и max

		randomInteger(min, max) {
			var rand = min - 0.5 + Math.random() * (max - min + 1);
			return Math.round(rand);

		// возвращает -1 или 1

		rand_1AND1() {
			return Math.random()*10 < 5 ? -1 : 1;

		// коэффициенты изменения векторов

		rand_1AND2() {
			let g, d;

			g = +this.US.grow;
			d = +this.US.degrow;
			return Math.random() * 10 < 5 ? 1 - d/1000 : 1 + g/1000;

		// получение цветов

		getColor() {
			let m = [], n;
			this.els.colorVals.each(function(indx, element){
				n = $(this).val();
				if(!n.match( /#[a-f0-9]{3}\b/gi ) && !n.match( /#[a-f0-9]{6}\b/gi )){
				} else {
			return m;

		// Курсор
		getCursorMove() {
			return `url("data:image/svg+xml;base64,${window.btoa('<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path fill="#001" d="M352.201 425.775l-79.196 79.196c-9.373 9.373-24.568 9.373-33.941 0l-79.196-79.196c-15.119-15.119-4.411-40.971 16.971-40.97h51.162L228 284H127.196v51.162c0 21.382-25.851 32.09-40.971 16.971L7.029 272.937c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941L86.225 159.8c15.119-15.119 40.971-4.411 40.971 16.971V228H228V127.196h-51.23c-21.382 0-32.09-25.851-16.971-40.971l79.196-79.196c9.373-9.373 24.568-9.373 33.941 0l79.196 79.196c15.119 15.119 4.411 40.971-16.971 40.971h-51.162V228h100.804v-51.162c0-21.382 25.851-32.09 40.97-16.971l79.196 79.196c9.373 9.373 9.373 24.569 0 33.941L425.773 352.2c-15.119 15.119-40.971 4.411-40.97-16.971V284H284v100.804h51.23c21.382 0 32.09 25.851 16.971 40.971z"></path></svg>')}"), auto`;

				range: 120,
				stVector: 8,
				width: 1,
				grow: 0,
				degrow: 0,
				radius: 1,
				round: false,
				smoothie: false,
				petals: false,
				volna: false,
				color: false,
				volna: false,
				gradient: false,
				rotation: true,
				restart: false,
				grouping: false,

			for (let key in s) if (typeof s[key] === "function") s[key] = s[key]()

			els.smoothie.prop("checked") != s.smoothie ? : false;
			els.petals.prop("checked") != s.petals ? : false;
			els.color.prop("checked") != s.color ? : false;
			els.volna.prop("checked") != s.volna ? : false;
			els.round.prop("checked") != s.round ? : false;
			els.gradient.prop("checked") != s.gradient ? : false;
			els.rotation.prop("checked") != s.rotation ? : false;

			if (s.restart !== undefined) els.restart.prop("checked") != s.restart ? : false;
			if (s.grouping !== undefined) els.grouping.prop("checked") != s.grouping ? : false;

			els.grow.val( s.grow ).trigger("input");
			els.degrow.val( s.degrow ).trigger("input");
			els.range.val( s.range ).trigger("input");
			els.stVector.val( s.stVector ).trigger("input");
			els.width.val( s.width ).trigger("input");
			els.radius.val( s.radius ).trigger("input");

		/* Радомайзер */

		randomizer() {
			var randomSittings = [
					range: () => this.randomInteger(500, 4000),
					stVector: () => this.randomInteger(8, 50),
					width: () => this.randomInteger(1, 50),
					grow: 0,
					degrow: 0,
					radius: () => this.randomInteger(0, 5),
					round: false,
					smoothie: false,
					petals: false,
					volna: false,
					color: false,
					volna: false,
					gradient: false,
					rotation: true
					range: () => this.randomInteger(500, 4000),
					stVector: () => this.randomInteger(8, 50),
					width: () => this.randomInteger(1, 5),
					grow: () => this.randomInteger(5, 10),
					degrow: () => this.randomInteger(0, 5),
					radius: 1,
					round: false,
					smoothie: false,
					petals: false,
					volna: false,
					color: false,
					volna: false,
					gradient: false,
					rotation: true
					range: () => this.randomInteger(500, 4000),
					stVector: () => this.randomInteger(8, 20),
					width: 1,
					grow: 0,
					degrow: 0,
					radius: () => this.randomInteger(0, 5),
					round: false,
					smoothie: false,
					petals: false,
					volna: false,
					color: false,
					volna: false,
					gradient: false,
					rotation: true
					range: () => this.randomInteger(500, 4000),
					stVector: () => this.randomInteger(8, 20),
					width: 1,
					grow: 0,
					degrow: 0,
					radius: 1,
					round: false,
					smoothie: false,
					petals: false,
					volna: false,
					color: true,
					volna: false,
					gradient: true,
					rotation: true
					range: () => this.randomInteger(500, 4000),
					stVector: () => this.randomInteger(8, 20),
					width: () => this.randomInteger(1, 20),
					grow: 0,
					degrow: 0,
					radius: () => this.randomInteger(0, 3),
					round: false,
					smoothie: false,
					petals: false,
					volna: false,
					color: true,
					volna: false,
					gradient: true,
					rotation: true
					range: () => this.randomInteger(1000, 6000),
					stVector: 8,
					width: 1,
					grow: () => this.randomInteger(7, 9),
					degrow: () => this.randomInteger(4, 7),
					radius: 1,
					round: true,
					smoothie: false,
					petals: false,
					volna: false,
					color: true,
					volna: false,
					gradient: true,
					rotation: true
					range: () => this.randomInteger(1000, 6000),
					stVector: 8,
					width: 1,
					grow: () => this.randomInteger(7, 9),
					degrow: () => this.randomInteger(4, 7),
					radius: () => this.randomInteger(0, 5),
					round: true,
					smoothie: false,
					petals: false,
					volna: false,
					color: true,
					volna: false,
					gradient: false,
					rotation: true
					range: () => this.randomInteger(2000, 4000),
					stVector: 8,
					width: 1,
					grow: 0,
					degrow: 0,
					radius: () => this.randomInteger(0, 5),
					round: false,
					smoothie: true,
					petals: false,
					volna: false,
					color: false,
					volna: false,
					gradient: false,
					rotation: true
					range: () => this.randomInteger(2000, 4000),
					stVector: 8,
					width: 1,
					grow: 0,
					degrow: 0,
					radius: () => this.randomInteger(0, 5),
					round: false,
					smoothie: false,
					petals: true,
					volna: false,
					color: false,
					volna: false,
					gradient: false,
					rotation: () => this.rand_1AND1() === 1 ? true : false
			this.updateSittings(randomSittings[ this.randomInteger(0, randomSittings.length-1) ])
			setTimeout(() => this.drow(), 500);

	let drow = new SVGing();
	let els = drow.els;

	/* Интерфейс */

	// настройки числовых полей

	function addEventNumberInput(input, DIV, sittings) {
		input.on("input keydown wheel", (e) => {
			changeNamber(e, (e) => {
				var v =, sittings) = v
		DIV.find(".number-control").on("click", sittings, number_minus_plus);

	addEventNumberInput(els.degrow.add(els.grow), els.DIVgrow.add(els.DIVdegrow), {
		min: 0,
		max: 500,

	addEventNumberInput(els.stVector, els.DIVvector, {
		min: 1,
		max: 99,

	addEventNumberInput(els.width, els.DIVwidth, {
		min: 1,
		max: 999,

	addEventNumberInput(els.radius, els.DIVradius, {
		min: 0,
		max: 5,
		fraction: true

	// Настройка переключателей

	// бонус 2
	els.petals.change(function() {
			if(!els.round.prop("checked")) {

				$([els.volna, els.smoothie]).prop("checked", false);
				Toggle([els.DIVvolna, els.DIVsmoothie], true)
		} else {
			if(!els.round.prop("checked")) {
				Toggle([els.DIVvolna, els.DIVsmoothie], false)

	// бонус
	els.smoothie.change(function() {
		let els = drow.els;

			$([els.volna, els.round, els.petals]).prop("checked", false);
			Toggle([els.DIVvolna, els.DIVround, els.DIVpetals], true)
		} else {
			Toggle([els.DIVvolna, els.DIVround, els.DIVpetals], false)

	// волна
	els.volna.change(() => { 
			els.range.attr( 'max', 5000 );

			$([els.smoothie, els.round, els.petals]).prop("checked", false);
			Toggle([els.DIVsmoothie, els.DIVround, els.DIVpetals], true)
		} else {
			Toggle([els.DIVsmoothie, els.DIVround, els.DIVpetals], false)

	// кручение
	els.round.change(() => {
			if(!els.petals.prop("checked")) {
				$([els.smoothie, els.volna]).prop("checked", false);
				Toggle([els.DIVsmoothie, els.DIVvolna], true)
			drow.US.grow < 1 ? els.grow.val(10) : false;
			if((drow.US.grow && drow.US.degrow) < 1) {
			if(drow.US.range < 3500){
				els.range.attr( 'max', 10000 );
		} else {
			els.range.attr( 'max', 5000 );

			if(!els.petals.prop("checked")) {
				Toggle([els.DIVsmoothie, els.DIVvolna], false)

	// переключатель
	// в зависимости от параметра log показываем или скрывам argument
	function Toggle(argument, log) {
		if (!log) {
			$(argument).each(function(indx, element){
		} else {
			$(argument).each(function(indx, element){

	// При изменении el показываем или скрываем target
	function slideDown_and_slideUp(target, el) { // Работа с полями для цветов    
		el.change(() => { 
			el.prop("checked") ? target.slideDown("slow") : target.slideUp("slow"); 

	// Работа с цветом
	els.colorValPlus.on('click', () => addColor());
	slideDown_and_slideUp($([els.colorVal[0], els.colorValPlus[0], els.DIVgradient[0]]), els.color);

	// Добавдение цвета
	function addColor(val = '#') {
		var input = $('<input>', {
			type: 'text',
			class: 'colorVal',
			value: val,
			on: {
				keyup: function(e){ 
					var t = $(this);

					if(t.val() == '' && e.which == 8){
						els.colorVals = $('.colorVal')
						els.colorVals[ els.colorVals.length -1 ].focus()
					if(e.which == 13){

		els.colorValPlus.before( input )
		els.colorVals = $('.colorVal')

	(function() { // Number Q

		var range = $('.range-slider__range'),
			value = $('.range-slider__value');


		range.on('input', (e) => {
			value.val( );
		value.on('input keydown wheel', (e) => {
			changeNamber(e, (e) => {
				var v =, {
					min: 1,
					max: 4000,
					fraction: false
				}) = v
				range[0].value = v;

	// Debounce function's
	function debounce(fn, timeout, invokeAsap, ctx) {

		if(arguments.length == 3 && typeof invokeAsap != 'boolean') {
			ctx = invokeAsap;
			invokeAsap = false;

		var timer;

		return function() {

			var args = arguments;
					ctx = ctx || this;

			invokeAsap && !timer && fn.apply(ctx, args);


			timer = setTimeout(function() {
				!invokeAsap && fn.apply(ctx, args);
				timer = null;
			}, timeout);

	// Извлечение deltaY
	function getDeltaEvent(e) {
		return e.originalEvent.deltaY || e.originalEvent.detail || e.originalEvent.wheelDelta

	// Обшая функция для обработки событий (input, keydown, wheel) на полях
	// e: event, fun: функция обработчик
	function changeNamber(e, fun) {
		if (e.type === "input") {
			debounce(() => fun(e), 700)()
		} else if (e.type === "keydown" && (e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40)) {
		} else if (e.type === "wheel") {

	// Расчёт нового значения параметра
	// data: min, max, fraction, fractionWheel
	// this: event
	// return number
	function inputChangeNamber(data) {
		let v = +/([0-9.]*)/i.exec([1];
		let fraction = data.fraction ? data.fraction : 0, 
				decimal = 1 / 10 ** fraction;
		let fractionWheel = data.fractionWheel ? data.fractionWheel : 0, 
				decimalWheel = 1 / 10 ** fractionWheel;

		if (this.type === "input") {
			if (data.fraction) {
				v = v || data.min;
			} else {
				v = parseInt(v || data.min);
				v = +v.toFixed(fraction);
		} else if (this.type === "keydown") {
			if (this.keyCode == '38') {
				v += decimal;
			} else if (this.keyCode == '40') {
				v -= decimal;
		} else if (this.type === "wheel") {
			let delta = getDeltaEvent(this);
			if (delta < 0) {
				v += decimalWheel;
			} else if (delta > 0) {
				v -= decimalWheel;

		// Округление/исправление
		if (this.type === "keydown" || this.type === "input") {
			v = +v.toFixed(fraction);
		} else if (this.type === "wheel") {
			v = +v.toFixed(fractionWheel);

		// убираем лишние нули
		if ((v ^ 0) === v) v = ~~v;

		// Контроль диапазона
		v > data.max ? v = data.max : v;
		v < data.min ? v = data.min : v;

		return v

	// Блокирует прокрутку страницы на элементе
	// e: event
	function stopWheel(e) {
		var target =,
			delta = getDeltaEvent(e);

		if (delta < 0 && target.scrollTop == 0) {

		if (delta > 0 && target.scrollHeight - target.clientHeight - target.scrollTop <= 1) {

	// Обработчик для кнопок + и - возле полей
	// e: event
	// min, max, fraction
	function number_minus_plus(e) {
		let input = $(this).closest('.number').find('input'),
			v = +input.val(),
			p = 1, data =;

		if (data.fraction) { p = 0.1; };

		if ($(this).hasClass('nc-minus')) { v = v - p; }
		if ($(this).hasClass('nc-plus')) { v = v + p; }

		if (data.fraction) { v = v.toFixed(1); } else { v = v.toFixed(0); }

		v > data.max ? v = data.max : v;
		v < data.min ? v = data.min : v;


	/* Презентация */

	(function() {
		var exclamation = $('.exclamation');
		var exclamations = $('.exclamation-item');
		var exclamationContent = $('#exclamationContent');
		var nextExclamation = $('.nextExclamation');
		var exit = $('.exit');
		var backward = $('.backward');
		var spanNavigations = $(".navigations span");
		var arrow = $(".arrow");

		var Exclamation = {
			offset: undefined, n: 0, height: undefined, 

			offsetData: function() {
				let outerWidth = els.DIVrange.outerWidth()
				let height = Math.max(els.svg.width(), els.svg.height());

				this.offset = [
						right: height / 2,
						top: '25%'
						right: height + outerWidth - - + 32 + 18,
						top: + + 16
						right: height + outerWidth - els.randomizer.offset().left + 32 + 18,
						top: els.randomizer.offset().top
						right: height + outerWidth - els.drow.offset().left + 32 + 18,
						top: els.drow.offset().top
						right: height + outerWidth - els.clear.offset().left + 32 + 18,
						top: els.clear.offset().top
						right: height + outerWidth - + 32 + 18,
						right: height / 2,
						top: '25%'
			start: function() {
					right: this.offset[this.n].right, 
					top: this.offset[this.n].top, 
					display: 'block'

				$(exclamations[this.n]).removeClass('hidden').fadeIn(0);'click').on('click', () => { this.exitAll() });

				$('body').on("keydown", (e) => this.keydown(e));

			exitAll: function() {
				this.n = 0;

				exclamationContent.fadeOut(300);'click').on('click', () => { this.start() });

				setTimeout(() => {
				}, 300)

			backward: function() {
				this.n -= 1;


				}, 600);

				if(this.n == 0) {
				} else {
			nextExclamation: function() {
				this.n += 1;

				}, 600);

				if(this.n == exclamations.length - 1) {
				} else {

			keydown: function(e) {
				if (e.keyCode == "37") {
					if (this.n != 0) {
				} else if (e.keyCode == "39") {
					if (this.n != exclamations.length - 1) {

		exclamation.on('click', () => { Exclamation.start() });
		exit.on('click', () => { Exclamation.exitAll() });
		backward.on('click', () => { Exclamation.backward() });
		nextExclamation.on('click', () => { Exclamation.nextExclamation() });

