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<h1>Links with Marginalia Notes</h1>
  <strong>Correction (2 January 2016):</strong>
  There is no <code>role="aside"</code>.  
  There is either the HTML <code>&lt;aside&gt;</code> element, or there is the ARIA <code>complementary</code> role.  Since the HTML parser doesn't allow <code>&lt;aside&gt;</code> inside a paragraph, <code>complementary</code> it is!
<p>An attempt to create an accessible and more fully-responsive version of the link style used in <a href=""><span class="link-main"><cite>The Correspondent</cite>.</span> <span role="complementary" class="link-note article">The Sarah Kendzior article I was reading is also recommended, separate from the web design.</span></a> Each link in the main text has an associated marginalia note, describing the linked resource. Hover styles highlight the note when you mouse over the text and vice versa.
  In <cite>The Correspondent</cite>, there are actually two versions of the link in the markup: a regular link, displayed on narrower screens, or the linked marginalia note plus a plain text span for wider screens.  The switch was done with media queries, however, and the <a href=""><span class="link-main"><code>aria-hidden</code> attribute</span> <span role="complementary" class="link-note book">The official definition of <code>aria-hidden</code> warns against overuse.</span></a> that hides the duplication is never removed when the plain link is hidden with <code>display: none</code>.  In addition to ensuring that a basic link is always accessible, I wanted to make the text of the note accessible, for screen reader users and also for mobile users.
<p>My markup therefore includes both the link text and the note inside a single, always displayed link, and uses transforms to slide it into view on narrow screens. The note has a role of <code>complementary</code>.  I'd be interested in other suggestions for how best to indicate that this is a parenthetical note, interrupting the main text, while still being part of the link. I'd also be interested in feedback from regular touchscreen users on the narrow-screen design.  <strong>Update:</strong> I created an <a href="" target="_blank">alternative version</a> of the pen that I hope is more mobile-friendly.
<p>Printer's latin follows with two more sample links (that don't actually link anywhere):</p>
<p>Magni optio, ab tempore id cum excepturi ea possimus distinctio dolore eos <a href="#a"><span class="link-main">nulla consequatur</span> <span role="complementary" class="link-note article">No consequences? That was disputed in this article.</span></a> autem ex ducimus aperiam a repudiandae iusto perspiciatis odit obcaecati culpa, in voluptas. Voluptate, provident fuga.</p>
<p>Ea accusamus, <a href="#b"><span class="link-main">blanditiis rerum</span> <span role="complementary" class="link-note book">An entire chapter on the blandest rerum of all.</span></a> voluptatum itaque quam suscipit nam, at ullam alias! Ea, eum quia beatae sequi quidem iure voluptas, qui totam, ullam, assumenda mollitia perferendis temporibus a! Quasi, tempora!</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestias, suscipit ea quod reiciendis eaque tenetur quis, numquam eum laborum ipsum ipsam similique obcaecati nulla dicta laboriosam omnis provident dolorem voluptates!</p>


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@media (max-width: 40em) {
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