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                <div class="promotion-carousel">
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            <span class="promo-flag">New Series From Sacha Baron Cohen</span>
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              <div class="headline">Who Is America?</div>
              <p class="body long">Season Finale: Sacha Baron Cohen explores our unique nation.</p>
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          <span class="dash"></span>
          <span class="promo-flag">Season 9 Premieres September 9</span>
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            <div class="headline">Shameless</div>
            <p class="body long">A scrappy, fiercely loyal Chicago family makes no apologies. Watch Seasons 1-8 now.</p>
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          <span class="dash"></span>
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            <div class="headline">Baby Driver</div>
            <p class="body long">A young getaway driver (Ansel Elgort) meets the girl of his dreams (Lily James), and tries to ditch his criminal life.</p>
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            <a class="button sho-play-link" href="#"></span>Play Now</a>
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<div class="promotion" id="section4" style="background-image: url(">
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      <span class="dash"></span>
      <a href="#" class="copy">
        <div class="headline medium">Our Cartoon President</div>
        <p class="body long">Season Finale - Militarization: Our Cartoon President militarizes the government. </p>
      <div class="buttons">
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      <a class="button info-button" href="#">More Info</a>
      <a class="button see-all" href="#">All Episodes</a>
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      <span class="dash"></span>
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        <div class="headline medium">Captain Fantastic</div>
        <p class="body long">A father (Viggo Mortensen) raising his six kids is forced to leave his paradise, challenging his idea of what it means to be a parent.</p>
      <div class="buttons">
        <a class="button sho-play-link" href="#"></span>Play Now</a>
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<div class="promotion" id="section6" style="background-image: url(">
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      <span class="dash"></span>
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        <div class="headline">Home Again</div>
        <p class="body long">Newly single Alice (Reese Witherspoon) meets three aspiring filmmakers in need of a place to stay.</p>
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        <a class="button sho-play-link" href="#"></span>Play Now</a>
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        <div class="headline">The Affair</div>
        <p class="body long">Noah, Alison, Helen and Cole are on separate journeys, but question what they’re holding on to as their lives keep crashing back into one another.</p>
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<div class="promotion" id="section8" style="background-image: url(">
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      <span class="dash"></span>
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        <div class="headline medium">The Girl On The Train</div>
        <p class="body long">A woman (Emily Blunt), devastated by her divorce, becomes entangled in a mystery after witnessing a shocking event.</p>
      <div class="buttons">
        <a class="button sho-play-link" href="#"></span>Play Now</a>
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<div class="promotion" id="section9" style="background-image: url(">
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        <div class="headline">Rosewater</div>
        <p class="body long">A journalist gets arrested in Iran and is held and tortured for 118 days.</p>
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        <a class="button sho-play-link" href="#"></span>Play Now</a>
      <a class="button info-button" href="#">More Info</a>
<div class="promotion" id="section10" style="background-image: url(">
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        <div class="headline">WWII Collection</div>
        <p class="body long">This collection features films that all take place during the cataclysmic World War II era. Take the time to watch them all.</p>
      <div class="buttons">
        <a class="button see-all" href="#">See Entire Collection</a>

<div class="navigation">

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a {
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                const ele = '.promotion-carousel';
const $window = $(window);
const viewportHeight = $window.height();

let ui = {
  promo: ele + ' .promotion',
  promoText: ele + ' .promo-text',
  navigationItems: '.navigation a'

function isOnScreen(el) {
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    top : $window.scrollTop()

  viewport.bottom = + viewportHeight;

  const bounds = el.offset();
  bounds.bottom = el.offset().top + el.outerHeight();

  return (!(viewport.bottom < || > bounds.bottom));

class ScrollEvents {

  run() {
    const $promo = $('.promotion');
    const $promoText = $('.promo-text');

    function smoothScroll(target) {
      $('body, html').animate({'scrollTop':target.offset().top}, 600);

    $(ui.navigationItems).on('click', e => {

    $window.on('scroll', () => {

      $( => {
        const $el = $(el);
        if (isOnScreen($el)) {


  scrolly(el) {
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    backgroundOffset = Math.round(Math.min(maxPixels, Math.max(0, backgroundOffset)));

    el.css(`background-position`, `right 0px top ${backgroundOffset}px`);

  fadeAtTop(el) {
    const startPos = 0.25;

    el.toArray().forEach(el => {
      const $el = $(el);
      let position = $el.offset().top - $window.scrollTop() + viewportHeight / 6;
      let opacity = position < viewportHeight * startPos ? position / (viewportHeight * startPos) * 1 : 1;

      $el.css('opacity', opacity);

  updateNavigation() {
    $( => {
      let $el = $(el);
      let activeSection = $(`.navigation a[href="#${$el.attr('id')}"]`).data('number') - 1;

      if ( ( $el.offset().top - $window.height()/2 < $window.scrollTop() ) && ( $el.offset().top + $el.height() - $window.height()/2 > $window.scrollTop() ) ) {
      } else {

const scrollEvents = new ScrollEvents();;
