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+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

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Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


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If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

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                <div class="chat99-container">
  <div class="chat99-sidebar hide">
     <button class="btn btn-primary chat99-mobil-show" onclick="Chat99SidebarToggle()" style="position:absolute; z-index:45; right:-23px; top:13px">
            <i class="fas fa-stream"></i>
    <div class="chat99-fixed pt-2">
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight">
        <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <input type="text" id="chat99-search" placeholder="Kullanıcı Ara ..." />
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
    <div class="chat99-content">
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight chat99-user" onclick="Chat99UserClick(this)" data-chatid="@item.Id" data-email="@item.Email 435" data-username="@item.UserName gd34534">
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
          <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />
        <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <span class="chat99-username">User Firstname AAA</span>
          <span class="chat99-message new">Last message text areasf...</span>
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight chat99-user" onclick="Chat99UserClick(this)" data-chatid="@item.Id" data-email="@item.Email 435" data-username="@item.UserName gd34534">
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
          <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />
        <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <span class="chat99-username">User Firstname AAA</span>
          <span class="chat99-message new">Last message text areasf...</span>
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight chat99-user" onclick="Chat99UserClick(this)" data-chatid="@item.Id" data-email="@item.Email 435" data-username="@item.UserName gd34534">
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
          <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />
        <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <span class="chat99-username">User Firstname AAA</span>
          <span class="chat99-message new">Last message text areasf...</span>
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight chat99-user" onclick="Chat99UserClick(this)" data-chatid="@item.Id" data-email="@item.Email 435" data-username="@item.UserName gd34534">
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
          <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />
          <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <span class="chat99-username">User Firstname AAA</span>
          <span class="chat99-message new">Last message text areasf...</span>
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight chat99-user" onclick="Chat99UserClick(this)" data-chatid="@item.Id" data-email="@item.Email 435" data-username="@item.UserName gd34534">
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
          <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />
          <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <span class="chat99-username">User Firstname AAA</span>
          <span class="chat99-message new">Last message text areasf...</span>
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight chat99-user" onclick="Chat99UserClick(this)" data-chatid="@item.Id" data-email="@item.Email 435" data-username="@item.UserName gd34534">
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
          <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />
          <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <span class="chat99-username">User Firstname AAA</span>
          <span class="chat99-message new">Last message text areasf...</span>
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight chat99-user" onclick="Chat99UserClick(this)" data-chatid="@item.Id" data-email="@item.Email 435" data-username="@item.UserName gd34534">
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
          <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />
         <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <span class="chat99-username">User Firstname AAA</span>
          <span class="chat99-message new">Last message text areasf...</span>
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight chat99-user" onclick="Chat99UserClick(this)" data-chatid="@item.Id" data-email="@item.Email 435" data-username="@item.UserName gd34534">
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
          <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />
          <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <span class="chat99-username">User Firstname AAA</span>
          <span class="chat99-message new">Last message text areasf...</span>
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight chat99-user" onclick="Chat99UserClick(this)" data-chatid="@item.Id" data-email="@item.Email 435" data-username="@item.UserName gd34534">
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
          <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />
          <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <span class="chat99-username">User Firstname AAA</span>
          <span class="chat99-message new">Last message text areasf...</span>
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight chat99-user" onclick="Chat99UserClick(this)" data-chatid="@item.Id" data-email="@item.Email 435" data-username="@item.UserName gd34534">
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
          <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />
    <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <span class="chat99-username">User Firstname AAA</span>
          <span class="chat99-message new">Last message text areasf...</span>
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight chat99-user" onclick="Chat99UserClick(this)" data-chatid="@item.Id" data-email="@item.Email 435" data-username="@item.UserName gd34534">
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
          <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />
       <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <span class="chat99-username">User Firstname AAA</span>
          <span class="chat99-message new">Last message text areasf...</span>
      <div class="d-flex bd-highlight chat99-user">
        <div class="p-2 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
          <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />
         <div class="p-2 w-100 bd-highlight">
          <span class="chat99-username" onclick="Chat99UserClick(this)" data-chatid="@item.Id" data-email="@item.Email" data-username="@item.UserName">User Firstname AAA</span>
          <span class="chat99-message new">Last message text areasf...</span>
  <div class="chat99-body full">
    <div class="chat99-body-container">
      <div class="chat99-fixed w-100 d-block">
        <div class="d-flex bd-highlight">
          <div class="p-0 w-100 bd-highlight">
            <div class="d-flex flex-row bd-highlight">
              <div class="bd-highlight ps-5 pe-3">
                <div class="chat99-fixed-center">
                  <img class="chat99-user-icon" src="#" />  
              <div class="bd-highlight">
                <div class="chat99-fixed-center">
                  <span id="chat99-select-username">User Firstname Lastname</span>  
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
            <div class="chat99-fixed-center">
            <button class="btn btn-danger chat99-btn">
              <i class="far fa-trash-alt"></i>
      <div class="chat99-content" id="chat99-messages">
        <div class="d-flex flex-row bd-highlight chat99-message">
          <div class="p-2 bd-highlight">
            <div class="chat99-msg">
              <span class="chat99-msg-text">DFH fghfgd h d</span>
              <span class="chat99-msg-date">12.11.2027 11:21</span>
        <div class="d-flex flex-row-reverse bd-highlight chat99-message">
          <div class="p-2 bd-highlight">
            <div class="chat99-msg">
              <span class="chat99-msg-text">DFH fghfgd hdfgd hfdhdfg fdhdfgh df hfdhfgdh dfhfdghdf hfdhhdfhdfhdfh dfhdfhfdh d</span>
              <span class="chat99-msg-date">12.11.2027 11:21</span>
        <div class="d-flex flex-row bd-highlight chat99-message">
          <div class="p-2 bd-highlight">
            <div class="chat99-msg">
              <span class="chat99-msg-text">DFH fghfgd hdfgd hfdhdfg fdhdfgh df hfdhfgdh dfhfdghdf hfdhhdfhdfhdfh dfhdfhfdh d</span>
              <span class="chat99-msg-date">12.11.2027 11:21</span>
        <div class="d-flex flex-row-reverse bd-highlight chat99-message">
          <div class="p-2 bd-highlight">
            <div class="chat99-msg">
              <span class="chat99-msg-text">DFH fghfgd hdfgd hfdhdfg fdhdfgh df hfdhfgdh dfhfdghdf hfdhhdfhdfhdfh dfhdfhfdh d</span>
              <span class="chat99-msg-date">12.11.2027 11:21</span>
        <div class="d-flex flex-row bd-highlight chat99-message">
          <div class="p-2 bd-highlight">
            <div class="chat99-msg">
              <span class="chat99-msg-text">DFH fghfgd hdfgd hfdhdfg fdhdfgh df hfdhfgdh dfhfdghdf hfdhhdfhdfhdfh dfhdfhfdh d</span>
              <span class="chat99-msg-date">12.11.2027 11:21</span>
        <div class="d-flex flex-row-reverse bd-highlight chat99-message">
          <div class="p-2 bd-highlight">
            <div class="chat99-msg">
              <span class="chat99-msg-text">DFH fghfgd hdfgd hfdhdfg fdhdfgh df hfdhfgdh dfhfdghdf hfdhhdfhdfhdfh dfhdfhfdh d</span>
              <span class="chat99-msg-date">12.11.2027 11:21</span>
        <div class="d-flex flex-row bd-highlight chat99-message">
          <div class="p-2 bd-highlight">
            <div class="chat99-msg">
              <span class="chat99-msg-text">DFH fghfgd hdfgd hfdhdfg fdhdfgh df hfdhfgdh dfhfdghdf hfdhhdfhdfhdfh dfhdfhfdh d</span>
              <span class="chat99-msg-date">12.11.2027 11:21</span>
        <div class="d-flex flex-row-reverse bd-highlight chat99-message">
          <div class="p-2 bd-highlight">
            <div class="chat99-msg">
              <span class="chat99-msg-text">DFH fghfgd hdfgd hfdhdfg fdhdfgh df hfdhfgdh dfhfdghdf hfdhhdfhdfhdfh dfhdfhfdh d</span>
              <span class="chat99-msg-date">12.11.2027 11:21</span>
      <div class="chat99-fixed chat99-new-message d-block" style="bottom:0px; top:initial;">
        <div class="d-flex bd-highlight">
          <div class="p-0 w-100 bd-highlight">
            <textarea id="chat99-new-msg-text" placeholder="new message"></textarea>
          <div class="p-0 flex-shrink-1 bd-highlight">
            <div class="chat99-fixed-center">
            <button class="btn btn-primary chat99-btn" onclick="Chat99PostMessage()">
              <i class="far fa-paper-plane"></i>

  <div style="clear:both"></div>


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} {
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.chat99-user:hover {
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.chat99-username {
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.chat99-message {
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} {
.chat99-mobil-show {
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@media only screen and (min-width: 680px) {
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.chat99-msg {
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  max-width: 370px;
  background-color: #fff;
  padding: 10px;
  border-radius: 0px 15px 15px 15px;
.flex-row-reverse .chat99-msg {
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.chat99-msg-text {
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.chat99-msg-date {
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.chat99-selectuser-name {
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.chat99-new-message textarea {
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                var chat57UserIcon =

$(document).ready(function () {
  $(".chat99-user-icon").attr("src", chat57UserIcon);
  $(window).resize(function () {
    /*search elementi secilince mobilde ekran boyutu degistiginden slider kapaniyordu, focus olup olmadigi kontrol edilir*/
    if (!$("#chat99-search").is(":focus")) {
  $("#chat99-search").keyup(function () {
    var findValue = $(this).val().trim().toUpperCase();
    if (findValue.length > 0) {
      $.each($(".chat99-user"), function (index_, element_) {
        var findName=$(element_).data('username').toUpperCase().indexOf(findValue);
        var findMail=$(element_).data('email').toUpperCase().indexOf(findValue);
        if (findName > -1 || findMail >-1) {
    } else {
function Chat99Control() {
  if ($(".chat99-container").eq(0).width() > 680) {
  } else {
function Chat99SidebarToggle(isShow = null) {
  if (isShow != null) {
    if (isShow) {
    } else {
  } else {
function Chat99UserClick(this_user) {
function Chat99PostMessage() {
  var msg = $("#chat99-new-msg-text").val();
  msg = msg.trim();
  if (msg.length > 0) {
    Chat99CreateMsg($("#chat99-new-msg-text").val(), "now");
function Chat99CreateMsg(message_, date_, isMy_=true) {
  if (isMy_) {
      '<div class="d-flex flex-row-reverse bd-highlight chat57-message"><div class="p-2 bd-highlight"><div class="chat99-msg"><span class="chat99-msg-text">' +
        message_ +
        '</span><span class="chat99-msg-date">' +
        date_ +
  } else {
    $('#').append('<div class="d-flex flex-row bd-highlight mb-3"><div class="p-2 bd-highlight"><div class="chat99-msg"><span class="chat99-msg-text">'+message_+'</span><span class="chat99-msg-date">'+date_+'</span></div></div></div>');

  function Chat99ScrollToBottom() {
            var div = $('#chat99-messages');
                scrollTop: div[0].scrollHeight
            }, 700);
