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      <p> Bacon ipsum dolor amet proident kevin sirloin drumstick capicola pancetta dolor id laborum duis culpa doner pork belly irure jerky. Prosciutto pork chop culpa fatback tri-tip dolore turducken strip steak filet mignon non tempor adipisicing chicken shankle cupim.</p>
      <p>Irure qui culpa, aliqua esse ham hock fugiat velit pastrami labore. Alcatra pig aute sint burgdoggen turducken flank kevin commodo. Pork belly elit reprehenderit, voluptate proident pariatur eu ham hock spare ribs sed pancetta drumstick. Spare ribs ipsum bacon in fugiat biltong boudin. Duis tenderloin et ham hock, adipisicing ea rump voluptate pork chop meatball deserunt meatloaf ut dolore sausage.</p>
      <p>Sunt pork adipisicing, hamburger non short ribs burgdoggen ham hock veniam et filet mignon. Hamburger chicken non swine, leberkas corned beef porchetta jowl short loin meatball. Beef ribs turducken ad ribeye meatloaf do shankle landjaeger aute tongue. Shank pariatur strip steak, filet mignon aliqua pastrami cow magna ipsum velit andouille consequat burgdoggen.</p>
      <p>Short ribs anim ex nulla, in ut magna proident ullamco. Doner dolore ribeye prosciutto, bacon beef ribs buffalo hamburger. Ham meatball in laboris cillum dolore. Exercitation pig dolore jerky chuck, sed venison deserunt reprehenderit quis ut. Elit veniam hamburger, andouille ad sint ball tip. Sunt sint et sausage in ut elit, hamburger aliqua lorem aute in dolore filet mignon. Adipisicing biltong doner tri-tip flank hamburger.<p>
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    <a href="#" class="accordion-title">Header Title Two is a Little Bit Longer</a>
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          <p> If an Instructional Student Assistant’s timesheet is not completed or approved during the entry/approval period, a “Late ISA Timesheet” must be completed in order to be paid.</p>
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          <a href="/payroll/forms/2019 Forms/2019 Late ISA Timesheet.xlsx" class="button">Download Late ISA Timesheet </a>
      <p>Irure qui culpa, aliqua esse ham hock fugiat velit pastrami labore. Alcatra pig aute sint burgdoggen turducken flank kevin commodo. Pork belly elit reprehenderit, voluptate proident pariatur eu ham hock spare ribs sed pancetta drumstick. Spare ribs ipsum bacon in fugiat biltong boudin. Duis tenderloin et ham hock, adipisicing ea rump voluptate pork chop meatball deserunt meatloaf ut dolore sausage.</p>
      <p>Sunt pork adipisicing, hamburger non short ribs burgdoggen ham hock veniam et filet mignon. Hamburger chicken non swine, leberkas corned beef porchetta jowl short loin meatball. Beef ribs turducken ad ribeye meatloaf do shankle landjaeger aute tongue. Shank pariatur strip steak, filet mignon aliqua pastrami cow magna ipsum velit andouille consequat burgdoggen.</p>
      <p>Short ribs anim ex nulla, in ut magna proident ullamco. Doner dolore ribeye prosciutto, bacon beef ribs buffalo hamburger. Ham meatball in laboris cillum dolore. Exercitation pig dolore jerky chuck, sed venison deserunt reprehenderit quis ut. Elit veniam hamburger, andouille ad sint ball tip. Sunt sint et sausage in ut elit, hamburger aliqua lorem aute in dolore filet mignon. Adipisicing biltong doner tri-tip flank hamburger.<p>





