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  margin: 0
  padding: 0
  display: block


                class Fire extends THREE.Object3D {
  constructor () {
    this.numParticles = 1000
    this.opts = {
      sparkLifecycle: 0.7,
      sparkStartSize: 10,
      sparkEndSize: 20,
      sparkDistanceScale: 1.4,
      flameMinHeight: 0.02,
      flameMaxHeight: 0.2,
      flamePeriod: 0.5,
      windStrength: 0.14,
      windFrequency: 0.5,
      color: 0x6e4d00, //0xffcf5c,
      endColor: 0x8e3920, //0xc0988c,
      opacity: 0.7,
      gravity: 0.05,
      // static - set at start
      baseWidth: 0.8 // angle - multiple of PI
    var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader()
    textureLoader.load('', (texture) => {
      this.texture = texture
      this.system.material.uniforms.texture.value = texture

  init () {
    // make sure gravity points in world Y
    var v3 = new THREE.Vector3();
    v3.copy( this.up ).applyQuaternion(this.getWorldQuaternion().inverse());
    const systemGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry()
    const systemMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
      uniforms: {
        up: { type: 'v3', value: v3 },
        gravity: { type: 'f', value: this.opts.gravity },
        elapsedTime: { type: 'f', value: 0.0 },
        numParticles: { type: 'f', value: this.numParticles },
        color: { type: 'c', value: new THREE.Color(this.opts.color) },
        endColor: { type: 'c', value: new THREE.Color(this.opts.endColor) },
        flameMaxHeight: { type: 'f', value: this.opts.flameMaxHeight },
        flameMinHeight: { type: 'f', value: this.opts.flameMinHeight },
        flamePeriod: { type: 'f', value: this.opts.flamePeriod },
        windStrength: { type: 'f', value: this.opts.windStrength },
        windFrequency: { type: 'f', value: this.opts.windFrequency },
        sparkLifecycle: { type: 'f', value: this.opts.sparkLifecycle },
        sparkDistanceScale: { type: 'f', value: this.opts.sparkDistanceScale },
        sparkStartSize: { type: 'f', value: this.opts.sparkStartSize },
        sparkEndSize: { type: 'f', value: this.opts.sparkEndSize },
        opacity: { type: 'f', value: this.opts.opacity },
        texture: { type: 't', value: null }
      transparent: true,
      //depthWrite: false,
      depthTest: false,
      // NOTE: don't use additive blending for light backgrounds
      blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,
      vertexShader: `
        uniform float elapsedTime;
        uniform float numParticles;
        uniform float gravity;
        uniform vec3 up;
        uniform float sparkLifecycle;
        uniform float sparkDistanceScale;
        uniform float sparkStartSize;
        uniform float sparkEndSize;
        uniform float flameMaxHeight;
        uniform float flameMinHeight;
        uniform float flamePeriod;
        uniform float windStrength;
        uniform float windFrequency;

        attribute vec3 direction;
        attribute float uniqueness;
        attribute float particleIndex;

        #define PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279

        varying float vTime;

        void main( void ) {
          // unique duration
          float duration = sparkLifecycle + sparkLifecycle * uniqueness;

          // make time loop
          float particleOffset = (particleIndex / numParticles * duration);
          float time = mod(elapsedTime + particleOffset, duration);

          // store time as 0-1 for fragment shader
          vTime = time / duration;

          // apply "gravity" to fire
          vec3 vGravity = up * gravity * pow(vTime, 2.0);

          // move in direction based on elapsed time
          float flameHeight = mix(flameMinHeight, flameMaxHeight, uniqueness); 
          vec3 vDistance = flameHeight * direction * vTime;

          // close flame at top (0.5 is fully closed)
          vDistance.xz *= cos(mix(0.0, PI * flamePeriod, vTime));

          // apply some random horizonal wind
          vec3 vWind = sin((elapsedTime + vTime * uniqueness) * windFrequency * uniqueness) * cross(up, direction) * windStrength * uniqueness * vTime;

          // add all forces to get final position for this frame
          vec3 pos = position + vDistance + vGravity + vWind;

          // Set size based on frame and distance
          vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( pos, 1.0 );
          gl_PointSize = mix(sparkStartSize, sparkEndSize, vTime);
				  gl_PointSize = gl_PointSize * (sparkDistanceScale / length(;
          // project position on screen
          gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(pos, 1.0);

      fragmentShader: `
        uniform vec3 color;
        uniform vec3 endColor;
        uniform float opacity;
        uniform sampler2D texture;

        varying float vTime;
        void main() {
          vec4 texColor = texture2D(texture, gl_PointCoord);
          vec4 startColor = vec4(color, opacity);
          vec4 endColor = vec4(endColor, 0.0);
          gl_FragColor = texColor * mix(startColor, endColor, vTime);

    // all flames start at 0,0,0
    const positions = new Float32Array(this.numParticles * 3)
    for (let i = 0; i < positions.length; i += 3) {
      positions[i] = 0
    const direction = new Float32Array(this.numParticles * 3)
    for (let i = 0; i < direction.length; i += 3) {
      const phi = this.randCenter(Math.PI * this.opts.baseWidth)
      const theta = this.randCenter(Math.PI)
      // create normal vector in random direction
      const sphereCoord = THREE.Spherical(1, phi, theta)

      const v = new THREE.Vector3()
      direction[i] = v.x
      direction[i + 1] = v.y
      direction[i + 2] = v.z

    // push some uniqueness - because entropy...
    const uniqueness = new Float32Array(this.numParticles)
    for (let i = 0; i < this.numParticles; i++) {
      uniqueness[i] = Math.random()
    // remember particle index
    const particleIndex = new Float32Array(this.numParticles)
    for (let i = 0; i < this.numParticles; i++) {
      particleIndex[i] = i

    systemGeometry.addAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(positions, 3))
    systemGeometry.addAttribute('direction', new THREE.BufferAttribute(direction, 3))
    systemGeometry.addAttribute('uniqueness', new THREE.BufferAttribute(uniqueness, 1))
    systemGeometry.addAttribute('particleIndex', new THREE.BufferAttribute(particleIndex, 1))
    this.system = new THREE.Points(systemGeometry, systemMaterial)

  update (delta, elapsed) {
    this.system.material.uniforms.elapsedTime.value = elapsed
  updateOne (opt) {
    this.system.material.uniforms[opt].value = this.opts[opt]
  updateColor (opt) {
    this.system.material.uniforms[opt].value = new THREE.Color(this.opts[opt])

  randCenter (v) {
    return (v * (Math.random() - 0.5))

/// INIT
const HEIGHT = window.innerHeight
const WIDTH = window.innerWidth

// Create the scene
const scene = new THREE.Scene()

// Create the camera
const aspectRatio = WIDTH / HEIGHT
const fieldOfView = 60
const nearPlane = 0.1
const farPlane = 10
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(

// Create the renderer
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
  alpha: true,
  antialias: true

renderer.setClearColor(0x222222, 1)
renderer.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT)

const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 1.0)

const controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
controls.enableDamping = true;
controls.dampingFactor = 0.25;
controls.enableZoom = false;

const render = () => {
  var delta = clock.getDelta()
  var elapsed = clock.getElapsedTime()
  fire.update(delta, elapsed)
  renderer.render(scene, camera)


//camera.position.y = 1.8
camera.position.z = 0.5
const clock = new THREE.Clock()
const fire = new Fire()
fire.position.y = -.1
fire.rotation.z = Math.PI * 0//.5


function add(opt, min, max) {
  return gui.add(fire.opts, opt, min, max)
     .onChange(x => fire.updateOne(opt))

function addColor(opt) {
  return gui.addColor(fire.opts, opt)
     .onChange(x => fire.updateColor(opt))

const gui = new dat.GUI({load: {
  "preset": "Fire",
  "closed": false,
  "remembered": {
    "Fire": {
      "0": Object.assign({}, fire.opts)
    "Single flame": {
      "0": {
        "sparkLifecycle": 0.5,
        "sparkStartSize": 10.455715495342929,
        "sparkEndSize": 20.112616426756986,
        "sparkDistanceScale": 1.5,
        "flameMinHeight": 0,
        "flameMaxHeight": 0.1,
        "flamePeriod": 0.9,
        "windStrength": 0,
        "windFrequency": 0,
        "opacity": 0.2,
        "gravity": 0.04,
        "color": 7228672,
        "endColor": 3939347
    "Meteor": {
      "0": {
        "sparkLifecycle": 0.7000000000000001,
        "sparkStartSize": 49.08331922099915,
        "sparkEndSize": 1,
        "sparkDistanceScale": 0.8,
        "flameMinHeight": 0.34,
        "flameMaxHeight": 0.24,
        "flamePeriod": 0.5,
        "windStrength": 0,
        "windFrequency": 0,
        "opacity": 0.8,
        "gravity": 0.38,
        "color": 7228672,
        "endColor": 9320736
    "Nebula": {
      "0": {
        "sparkLifecycle": 5,
        "sparkStartSize": 12.60169348010161,
        "sparkEndSize": 11.528704487722269,
        "sparkDistanceScale": 1.4,
        "flameMinHeight": 0.04,
        "flameMaxHeight": 0,
        "flamePeriod": 0.6000000000000001,
        "windStrength": 1,
        "windFrequency": 0.09,
        "opacity": 0.7000000000000001,
        "gravity": -0.03,
        "color": 2490478,
        "endColor": 9314336
  "folders": {}
add('sparkLifecycle', 0, 5).step(0.1)
add('sparkStartSize', 1, 100)
add('sparkEndSize', 1, 100)
add('sparkDistanceScale', 0.1, 5).step(0.1)

add('flameMinHeight', 0.0, 1.0).step(0.01)
add('flameMaxHeight', 0.0, 1.0).step(0.01)
add('flamePeriod', 0.0, 2.0).step(0.1)
add('windStrength', 0.0, 1.0).step(0.01)
add('windFrequency', 0.0, 10.0).step(0.01)

add('opacity', 0.1, 1.0).step(0.1)
add('gravity', -1, 1).step(0.01)



