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                        <p>"Prevent Unauthorised transactions in your Trading/Demat Account --> Update your mobile numbers/email IDs with your stock brokers/Depository Participant. Receive alerts/information of your transaction/all debit and other important transactions in your Trading/ Demat Account directly from Exchange/CDSL at the end of the day .......... Issued in the interest of investors."</p>
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                            Angel Broking Pvt. Ltd.<br>
                            G-1, Ackruti Trade Center, Road No -7, MIDC, Andheri (E) Mumbai, 400 093<br>
                            Phone: (022) 2835 8800 / 3083 7700<br>
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                            Angel Broking Pvt. Ltd: BSE Sebi Regn No: INB 010996539 / CDSL Regn No: IN - DP - CDSL - 234 - 2004 /<br>
                            PMS Regn Code: PM / INP000001546 Angel Commodities Broking (P) Ltd: MCX Member ID: 12685 / FMC<br>
                            Regn No: MCX / TCM / CORP / 0037 NCDEX Member ID: 00220 / FMC Regn No: NCDEX / TCM / CORP / 0302.<br>

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ul {
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/*#endregion */ 

/*#endregion */

/*#region  Media Queries */

@media only screen and (max-width:925px) {

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    /*#endregion */


@media only screen and (max-width:800px) {

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💕 I'm the CSS to your HTML.
